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  1. Alright, the test page (FAQ3.html) is now the default (FAQ.html) page. www.whitelakeholidayresort.com/faq.html I've changed the colors for the jquery accordion, added a mouseover for the outermost accordion, fixed the line spacing issues, and added the <nosript> tag to send non script users to the old FAQ. I'm really happy with it, hope everyone who looks at our site will find it easy to use. Thanks again for all your help! (Hailwood and FaT3oYCG)
  2. okay! Sorry it took me so long... I was having problems getting the jquery to load on the webhost that i have. Here is the jquery FAQ page. http://www.whitelakeholidayresort.com/faq3.html I like that it takes up very little space, and I put the list of questions to the side. (To help people find their answer faster without having to click through the whole jquery.) Is there a way to hide my "Click here to view our non-javascript FAQ page" so that it only shows up when a browsers javascript is turned off? Thanks again!
  3. Dito, Mind if I join you? Can save some $$ Actually its the photo's that make me want to go... Ha ha... I didn't even notice that FaT3oYCG said that on the his reply. I've changed the Pictures page to allow for less scrolling. And I'm looking for SEO friendly Jquery. We are a little place, so I'd like to have search engines catche all the info they can about our place. I'll let you guys know when I've got a working example for another critique. You TWO have been very helpful, Thanks again!
  4. Thanks FaT3oYCG, I now understand that the FAQ page is too long. I'm leaning towards the JQuery thing that Hailwood sugested. (as soon as I figure it out.) But I'll make your idea an option for my mom too. (sounds easier)
  5. Thanks Hailwood, I've changed the fonts to the sans-serif... it DOES look better. Thank you. I'm checking into the hover effect... I try and figure out how to have an underline to show up. I'm not real wild about the JQuery (It looks like a lot of work... but I'm going to work on it and let my mom decide which one she likes the best.
  6. Okay... I have put together a website for my mom. www.whitelakeholidayresort.com My goal of our website is to get people to "contact us" by calling or submitting the form on the contact page. NUM 1: I need to see if I should use a drop down menu for specific units from the home page, or just let people access that from the "unit photos" page. NUM 2: I want to know what people think about me removing the "white lake pictures" link from the menu bar... it doesn't really sell the visitor on renting with us... but the pictures are mostly of our place, so it might. Tell me what you think. NUM 3: Do you think that my "FAQ" page has too much stuff. We really don't want a million people calling if we can answer their questions in advance. **We want people to HAVE to call to get prices.
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