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Posts posted by bford21

  1. Hey guys so I'm working on creating my own CMS for my website and one of the features I am having trouble with is creating the script to mail a newsletter to everyone in the database. I thought it would be simple enough but I cant seem to figure it out. When I run the code below everything seems to work however only the first email in the database actually receives an email. I think it might be something with my while() loop but I'm not sure. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    				$subject = $_POST['subject'];
    			$message = nl2br($_POST['message']);
    			// To send HTML mail, the Content-type header must be set
    			$headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
    			$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
    			// Additional headers
    			$headers .= 'From: B.net' . "\r\n";
    			// Connect to database // requires Global Functions
    			// Finds the number of verified subscriptions
    			$qry ="SELECT * FROM subscriptions WHERE verified ='yes'";
    			$result = mysql_query($qry);
    			while ($email = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
    				$email = $email['email'];
    				mail ($email,$subject,$message,$headers);


  2. Thanks for the pagination idea. I remember thinking about that awhile back and forgot about it. Also I'm looking at the nav bar for the tutorials section now and something definitely needs to be done with it. Thanks for pointing it out.

  3. Hey everyone, I've been working on this site on and off now for almost a year. I put a lot of time into it and its a huge improvement from anything I've done in the past. I realize that I don't have the best eye for design, however I try my best. On this project  I was more worried about the content than overall design, however I'm happy with it.


    I was just wondering what advice you guys could offer on how it could be improved. Did I spell something wrong? Does it look right in your browser. Do you like the colors etc. I appreciate anything you guys can throw at me!


    My Site: http://bkgallery.site90.net

  4. I've been teaching myself PHP and web design for about 2 years now and I've come along way. I just recently finished my own personal website which hosts multiple PHP projects and tutorials. I've created my own rating system and comment system as well. Before registering my own domain name I thought I mine as well post it here and see what flaws you guys can find cause I'm sure theres a bunch. However I kindly ask that if you do find a flaw please don't cause any damage to the site and just report it here.


    My Site : http://bkgallery.site90.net/


    Proof its mine: http://bkgallery.site90.net/phpfreaks.html


    Thanks in advance for all the feedback!

  5. I want to display two tables on one line keeping the width of the table. In the past whenever I've wanted two things on the same line I've always floated one left and the other right. I've tried doing this here but the tables have a width of 45% and when they get floated its as if thats ignored. Heres a picture to better explain the situation.




    Thanks in advance for all your help.

  6. Well I've think its about time I purchased a laptop but I want to make sure I get something that suits my needs. Hardware wise I am clueless so I need your help.


    I'm looking for something under $700 and brand doesn't mean much. I'll be dual-booting Linux and most likely what ever shitty version of windows comes pre-installed. I'll be using it for programming, Photoshop, web surfing, screen recording, actually gaming and all the other little things you associate with general everyday computer use. I also would like something with good battery life and isn't ridiculously loud. So far I like the following two.






    Links and advise would be much appreciated. I need your expertise!

  7. Hey guys I've been working on this site on and off now for a year or so and when I made the general template I made sure it worked in IE, FF and Chrome. I just finished doing some major work such as validating every page as best I could and putting the layout into PHP includes for easier editing.


    Now I don't know what it is but somewhere along the way things got messed up. Now when I open the site in IE things are a mess. I don't know if these issues are because IE updated or if I somehow managed to mess things up big time when I was updating the site. Anyhow any advice on how to fix the issues would be greatly appreciated.


    Site: http://bkgallery.site90.net


    CSS: http://pastebin.com/J2iDDc7u

  8. So I have a site with about 100 pages and its getting to the point where making edits to every single page is annoying. I know I could edit the existing pages to use PHP includes to make editing down the road easier, however I don't expect the site to grow to more than 150 pages and was wondering if it will be worth it.


    If I were to edit my site to use PHP includes I would have to go through every page and edit it correctly. I would have to change every file extension of every page to .php, thus making me have to edit all links on all pages. Thats a hell of a lot of work.


    Thanks in advance for the advice.


    P.S If you have an alternative solution then I'm all ears.

  9. The only two things I would change in the current design is your navigation and that image of the paint brush. The paint brush was poorly cut out in Photoshop and those white pixels around the edges really stick out against the black background. Other than that though I think you have a good start.

  10. ahh see I knew it would be something simple. I fixed the code to look like this.


    mysql_query("INSERT INTO subscriptions (email, confirmation number, verified) 
    				VALUES ($email, $confirmation_number, 'no')") or die('Error');


    That gets rid of the error but now I still cant insert the data into the database.


  11. Alright so I am in the middle of creating an email subscription script and I am having trouble storing the users info in my MySQL database. I have no idea why. I've looked things over 100 times and I still cant get it. Heres what my code looks like.


    // Connect to database // requires Global Functions
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO subscriptions (email, confirmation number, verified) 
    		VALUES ($email, $confirmation_number, 'no')"); or die();


    I know I have a database connection, the problem lies in the mysql_query. I added or die(); to see if my query was actually working and it wasnt. After adding or die(); I keep getting this error.


    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_LOGICAL_OR in /home/a6908618/public_html/subscribe_process_form.php on line 50


    That error goes away if I remove or die(); but then still my info doesn't get put into the database. I am sure this is a simple fix and I am just not seeing it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  12. Another thing I'd like to point out is when I go to either the register or login pages I am taken to pretty much a blank site with the forms. Why don't you integrate those pages to have the same design as the rest of your site. I don't see why its necessary to have them separate.

  13. Your site is extremely plain so far. I suggest looking into how to style things with CSS or even better create a layout in Photoshop. If thats not an option you can always download a free template online some where and edit it to suit your needs.

  14. I must say your site is very well done. I only explored it for about 10 min but from what I saw it looked great. I would however suggest you put some sort of CAPTCHA or something to restrict people from spamming your comments. Plus creating a CAPTCHA  using PHP is fairly easy and would be a nice little project for ya.

  15. I am in the process of creating a basic ratings system and I am running into some trouble. To me this code makes perfect sense but for some reason it isn't working. I think it has something to do with the way MySQL handles zeros or something because if I change $rating = 1 and change tut_rating to 1 in my database it works fine. Thanks in advance. 


    $qry = "SELECT tut_rating FROM html_tuts WHERE tut_id=$tut_id";
    $rating = mysql_query($qry);
    if($rating = 0.00){
    echo "<img src='Images/3.5.gif' width='70' height='18'>"; 
    echo "error";

  16. Hey guys. I keep getting this error over and over and I cant figure out what it is. I'm sure its something simple but I just cant find it.


    Here's the error:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_IS_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL in /home/a5632090/public_html/member-profile.php on line 36


    This is line 36:

    if ($mem_food >50 && <=150) // 51 - 150
    echo "<img src='Images/1.jpg' alt='Food' width='152' height='10' />";


    If you need to see more code then let me know. Thanks in advance!

  17. Hey guys! I am new to the forums and am looking for some help. First off I am using 000webhost.com as a host and it is running PHP 5.2. and MySQL 5.0.81-community.


    I am fairly new to PHP and completely new to MySQL. I am self taught and normally can figure things out myself but I am really puzzled on this one.


    I am in the process of creating a text based game. The problem comes when I have the user go to "the mines" and "mine" for gold. Right now I have it set so every time they mine they get 100 gold. I want the users gold to go up by 100 obviously and I want it reflected in both my database and the members profile.


    I assume to do this I would use the MySQL UPDATE function. This is what I have been doing but I cant seem to figure out how to get only that users gold to go up. I did some research and found out about the WHERE clause and have tried to use it to identify the user but I cant seem to work it out.


    This is what I have so far:


    I connect to the the MySQL server, and select the database then I wrote this line of code:


    $temp_gold = $_SESSION['MEMBER_GOLD'] + 100;
    $result = mysql_query("UPDATE members SET gold= $temp_gold WHERE member_id = ’{$_SESSION['MEMBER_ID']}'");


    $_SESSION['MEMBER_GOLD'] is the members gold when the user first logged in and $_SESSION['MEMBER_ID'] is the users ID.


    To me the statement makes perfect sense. Update the table "members" and set "gold" equal to "$temp_gold" which is the gold before + 100. Obviously this is wrong though and I would really appreciate your guys help! Thanks in advance.



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