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  1. @crazyyoda, var_dump($option); gives you some information about the object.
  2. http://php.net/manual/en/function.uniqid.php Is it what you are looking for?
  3. Learning other programming languages helps you understand PHP better.
  4. Where do you get this code? Drupal has api for url processing.
  5. You want to check remote url?
  6. You cannot strore database connection in session variables. All database conections will be closed after your php script has been executed.
  7. Probably, your page has redirect. Try exit('Some text'); .
  8. 1. Use commas for html attributes. 2. You may do it by CSS (without javascript). a:hover{background-image: url(bar/column1.gif)}
  9. Try this: <a href="" onclick="return false">link text</a>
  10. Class is keyword. Rename parameters of your functions.
  11. Can you show your code?
  12. You need to use javascipt .
  13. var length = document.getElementById('divId').innerHTML.length
  14. sort($ids, SORT_NUMERIC); for($i = 0, $j = 1, $cnt = count($ids); $i < $cnt; $j = (++$i+1)%15) $newIds[$ids[$i]] = ceil(($i+1)/15).', '.($j?$j:15); echo '<pre>',print_r($newIds, 1),'</pre>';
  15. echo '<table border=1>'; $handle = fopen("file.csv", "r"); while (($r = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ';')) !== FALSE) echo '<tr><td>',$r[0],'</td><td>',$r[1],'</td><td>',$r[2],'</td><td>',$r[7],'</td></tr>'; fclose($handle); echo '</table>';
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