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Posts posted by jamey8420

  1. I am using javascript:void(window.open('http://server1/test/test_update.php?matter="&Fields!matter.Value + "', '_blank', 'fullscreen=yes, scrollbars=auto'));" 


    to launch a report from a SSRS 2008 report that is being viewed within an iFrame.  This is done in the Jump to URL.



    <iframe name='myIframe' id='myIframe' src='http://sqlreports/ReportServer?Report&rs:Command=Render&rc:LinkTarget=_blank&rc:Stylesheet=my_htmlviewer' scrolling='auto' frameborder='0' width='100%' onload='resize_iframe()' ></iframe>





    the resize_iframe() function just makes the iFrame full screen to whatever the window is made.


    Before adding the @rc:LinkTarget=_blank to the iFrame, the links did not work.  Now, when I click on the link to launch the PHP page I get two windows that open.  


    One opens and renders the page properly:  http://server1/test/test_update.php?matter=123456

    while the other window opens with the "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" error with the following URL:  javascript:void(window.open('http://server1/test/test_update.php?matter=123456,%20_blank,%20fullscreen=yes,%20scrollbars=auto'));




    I'm not quite sure what is causing these two windows to open up.  When I remove the @rc:LinkTarget=_blank from the iFrame, the links go back to not working.  I've also tried to remove the _blank for the Jump to URL.  


    Any ideas/assistance would be greatly appreciated.





  2. Irate,

    Thanks for the thought.  I added the respective code as you outlined and it didn't make a difference.  The link still didn't work.  But I did investigate allowing script access and found the iFrame sandbox attribute, which seems to handle this.  However, it looks like it's only supported on IE10 and higher.  Of course, we are below that.  Any other thoughts on how to get around this restriction?  

  3. I have a SSRS report that has a hyperlink to another website.  The link to the site works fine when I access the report directly.  However, I am displaying the report in an iFrame.  When I click on the link within the iFrame, nothing is happening.  I can copy my link, paste it into another window and I am able to see the link work.


    Here is my link:


    =iif(Fields!budgetid.Value>1,"javascript:void(window.open('"+"http://test/forms/Summary.aspx?BudgetId=" & Fields!budgetid.Value & "'))","")




    code for my iFrame:

    <iframe name='myIframe' id='myIframe' src='http://reports/ReportServer?%2fAct%2fReports%2fAlternative+Report&rs:Command=Render&rc:Stylesheet=my_htmlviewer' height='650' width='100%' scrolling='auto' frameborder='0' ></iframe>



    I've gone over the javascript syntax and I know that this is working for me.  It just feel that maybe the iFrame is somehow "blocking" the link from working?  Maybe another attribute that would allow such links to work?  Thoughts?  Thanks for the help.




  4. I am developing a web page in PHP, and I would like to provide my users access to Reporting Services reports via this page.


    I am currently running an instance of Reporting Services 2000.


    I cannot find any good way to link/render/display the reports directly within the PHP page, instead of providing a link to the actual web interface of Reporting Services. I know that asp.net provides a reporting services dll, which has a viewer that can be used in such instances but I'm too far down the line to switch unfortunately. I also did find an example using an iframe (


    echo "<iframe src=".$sReportPath." height='500' width='100%' scrolling='auto' frameborder='0'></iframe>";


    but I didnt' like the way that it really looks and the user experience is less than desirable.



    Has anyone else run into a request such as this, or have any ideas about a different approach? Thanks!



  5. I ended up coming to a solution on this. I was able to create a php file for each of my select boxes; not totally what I wanted to do but it gets the job done. In the php file, I am doing a select of the database to determine if it's a right of the user, and if so I display it back to my original form like so:


    echo "obj.options[obj.options.length] = new Option('".$codedesc."', '".$index."');\n";


  6. Hello,

    I have a php page that I am using AJAX to populate some check boxes based on a selection in a drop down box.  Now, I'd like to expand that functionality to do something similar to this:  http://www.dhtmlgoodies.com/scripts/multiple_select/multiple_select.html


    However, the troubling part is that I can have multiple groups of these select boxes; I am looping through a database selection to a heading for each group of select boxes, as well as the naming convention for each of the select boxes (left side would be alllistf1, alllist2, etc... and the right side would be sellist1, sellist2, etc...) and incrementing the variables each time through the loop (which then gives me the distinct names for each of the list boxes).


    $cc_res = mssql_query("SELECT clnum, clname + ' (' + clnum + ')' as cc FROM cost_center_clnum order by clnum");
    //echo $numberofrows."<br>";
    $alllistvar = $numberofrows/$numberofrows;
    $selectlistvar = $numberofrows+1;
    $ccid = $row['clnum'];
    $cc = $row['cc'];
    echo " <span class='f2'>".$cc."<br></span>";



    The end results would be something like this:



    List 1                List 3


    Heading 2

    List 2                List 4


    with Lists 1 and 2 being possible rights for a user and lists 3 and 4 being the rights currently assigned to that user.  When a user is selected in the drop down box, I'd like to populate List boxes 3 and 4 with the respecitve persons's rights.  A bonus would be to populate list boxes 1 and 2 with all rights that are not currently selected, instead of all of the rights.


    Since I don't have the names of the headings and list boxes hard coded into the page, I'm not sure how I can pass back the resultant values into the list boxes with AJAX.  Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.  If you need any clarification don't hesitate to ask.


    Thanks for all your thoughts.

  7. I have a drop down that is being populated with a SQL query:


    echo "<html>";
    echo "<body class='body' onload='init();'>";
    echo "<form name='form1' method='post'>";
    echo "</br>";
    echo "<table border=2 bordercolor=#5892AD align=center><tr><td>";
    echo "<div style='text-align:left;'>";
    echo "<div id='div_1' class='table-with-thin-border' style='margin:auto;width:800px;background-color:#FFFFFF;'>";
    echo "<center><span class=f2><b>Rights Administration</b></span></center><br>";
    echo "<form id='form2' name='user_rights' method='post' action='' onsubmit='' style='margin:auto;'>";
    	echo "<div id='div_2' class='table-with-no-border'> ";
    	echo "<span class=f3>";
    	$user_res = mssql_query("SELECT UR.net_id, el.lname + ', ' + el.fname as name FROM cb_user_rights UR join employeelists el on ur.net_id = el.net_id order by name");
    						echo "<a><b>User:</b>  </a><select name='user' value='-1' onchange='getUserId()'>User Name</option>";
    		echo "<option value=-1>Select One</option>";
    			$net_id = $row['net_id'];
    			$user = $row['name'];
    			echo "<option value=".$net_id.">".$user."</option>";
    		echo "</select>";
    echo "</span>";
    	$rights_res = mssql_query("SELECT super_admin, rpt_admin, budg_admin FROM cb_user_rights WHERE net_id = '".$ValueFromDropDown."'");
    	while ($row=mssql_fetch_array($rights_res)){
    		$super_admin = $row['super_admin'];
    		$rpt_admin = $row['rpt_admin'];
    		$budg_admin = $row['budg_admin'];
    echo "<span class='f3'>  &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp";
    	echo "<input type='checkbox' name='cb0' value='".$super_admin."'>Super Admin";
    	echo "</span>";
    	echo "<span class='f3'>  &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp";
    	echo "<input type='checkbox' name='cb1' value='".$rpt_admin."'>Report";
    	echo "</span>";
    	echo "<span class='f3'>  &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp";
    	echo "<input type='checkbox' name='cb2' value='".$budg_admin."'>Budget";
    	echo "</span>";
    	echo "<span>      </span>";
    echo "</br></br>";
    echo "</form>";
    echo "</body>";
    echo "</html>";


    What I am hoping to do is to use the selected value from the drop down to then run a second query, and to populate the values into the three checkboxes.  I've seen some examples of posting to new pages, but I want to use the same page is possible.


    Any thoughts on how I can accomplish this?  I have also seen some examples incorporating AJAX, but I haven't been able to get that to work for me.  Maybe am I making this too difficult, and I'm missing an easier way to do this?  I thank you very much in advance.




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