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  1. I am searching for a "script"/program that allows me to make a website where people can add their information by a pre made form. The admin have to validate the form that is submitted and Their information will be stored in a page. The page would be a part of a directory that are sorted in Countries or by the alpabet and so on... The site have to have a search engine that will read all the information on the website.... I dont have the experience to even get close to code something like this so I am looking for a premade script that are something like this... It is supposed to be presentations of people/businesses with logo, pictures links and so on... The persons/businesses will add their information and after admin validate, the content is public for all... The form people submit to have to have the possibility to include pictures, links, and various lines of information... Guess this gonna be huge stuff.... Hope I can handle it... lol... Any suggestions on where to look? Or what to call it? I have searched "Directories" but I only get link & Picture directories ( I still suck at explaining... i know... )
  2. Sorry, It is not my intention to "demand" all the help, but since I don't know how to put this script into my site, I have to ask... I see your point, but I don't know other ways to explain it than it is normal HTML within <table> tags on several pages. I have a fully function website with alot of information and would like to implement this script now after I am finished... But I understand I have to learn someting new before I ask more.. lol... thanks for all the help so far, I will try to make it work somehow...
  3. So If I put this code into a php file (with adding <? php on the top and ;?> on the bottom, "php include" this file into my site, what here defines my keywords and colors and links and so on? Is this code totally different from the previous code I got? and yes, I still don't have a clue... lol :-\
  4. I am trying to get a script that makes my predefined keyword converted to links and / or converted to a certain color, size and so on... In one of the other threads Ive posted I got an answer I am a bit curious on, I'll just quote the answer, and hopefully some of you can help me with this.... see my answer below, and help If you want... I'll be forever grateful.... bah.. Im still struggling with this... could anyone be helpful explaining to me how I can use this example in my site? I don't understand a thing, and probably shouldn't be messing with this kind of codes.. lol... :'( Before my text that needs to be converted I have three other pages included: <?php include "../url/url.php"; ?> <?php include "url.php"; ?> <?php include "url/url.php"; ?> These makes the top of my pages, and I was hoping that I could set the code in one of those so I don't have to copy&paste the script into every single page... Don't I need any more script than those few lines? Im desperate.... lol.... please help...
  5. bah.. Im still struggling with this... could you be helpful explaining to me how I can use your example in my site? I don't understand a thing, and probably should't be messing with this kind of codes.. lol... :'( Before my text that needs to be converted I have three other pages included: <?php include "../url/url.php"; ?> <?php include "url.php"; ?> <?php include "url/url.php"; ?> These makes the top of my pages, and I was hoping that I could set the code in one of those so I don't have to copy&paste the script into every single page... Do you mean that I don't need any more script than those three lines you wrote? Im desperate.... lol.... please help...
  6. hi, i am looking for a php script like phpgiggle which coverts predetermined keywords into predetermined links each time the keyword appears in the page. Tried to get phpgiggle up and running but with no success and with the author's site down and with no support at all, i am looking for an alternative . (I read on some other pages that there are an error with PHPgiggle with PHP5) As I am a hopeless newbie I need a script with a description that tells me what to do, and where to put what line of code Hopefully someone know of such a script... Also I need a similar script that converts predetermined keywords into predetermined "look" such as color, size and so on... anyone? thanks in advance
  7. But then I have to write $mytext = "Buffalo with an aqualung"; on every single page I have... I want a script that finds ex "Buffalo" automaticcly in the whole site... and If I understand your code right, this doesn't do that? I want less manual work... but yes, this is a kind of script I want!! But I want it to work on the entire site
  8. Did I explain that bad... again???
  9. Hi again I have now look at the script posted above, and tried to get this to work with my pages... ANd I don't know how I am going to do this... I got two example files, chose one of them, but I need a description on where to put what code... lol... As I dont understand the script I need a total explanation to where I am going to put it... The example code is below I have understood that the classautokeyword.php and autolink.php keyword belongs together (thought it was to functions) The text on my site is not from a database, I don't know If these first lines is something I gotto change because of this... code from examplefile: <?php /****************************************************************** Projectname: Autolink Keywords Application Script 2 Version: 0.1 Author: Ver Pangonilo <[email protected]> Last modified: 05 January 2007 Copyright ©: 2007 Ver Pangonilo, All Rights Reserved * GNU General Public License (Version 2, June 1991) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. Description: ============ Note: This class uses the output Automatic Keyword Generator. This class can automatically create keywords link within an articles if the keyword is found on a predetermined list of linked words. The predetermined list could contain words and links to other websites like advertisers or simply a link to other articles in within your website. Replacement Type: ================ This example use a CASE SENSITIVE string replacement. This prevents proper words to be replaced with lower case letters. ******************************************************************/ //assuming that your site contents is from a database. //set the outbase of the database to $data. $data =<<<EOF <p>Imagine being overseas and your identity being hofte, albu for the taking - your nationality, your name, your passport number. Everything.</p> <p>That's the fear of privacy and security hofte albu specialists now that the state hofte, albu department plans to issue "e-Passports" to American travelers beginning in late August.</p> <p>They'll have radio frequency identification (RFID) tags and are meant to cut down on human error of immigration officials, speed the processing of visitors and safeguard against counterfeit passports.</p> <p>Yet critics are concerned that the security benefit of RFID technology, which combines silicon chips with antennas to make data accessible via radio waves, could be vastly outweighed by security threats to the passport holder.</p> <p>"Basically, you've given everybody a little radio-frequency doodad that silently declares 'Hey, I'm a foreigner,'" says author and futurist Bruce Sterling, who lectures on the future of RFID technology. "If nobody bothers to listen, great.HD If people figure out they can listen to passport IDs, there will be a lot of strange and inventive ways to exploit that for criminal purposes."</p> <p>RFID chips are used in security passes many companies issuehofte, albu to employees. They don't have to be touched to a reader-machine, only waved near it. hd Following initial objections by security and privacy experts, the State Department added several security precautions.</p> <p>But experts still fear the data could be "skimmed," or read remotely without the bearer's knowledge.</p> <p>Kidnappers, hofte, albu, albuer identity thieves and terrorists could all conceivably commit "contactless" crimes against victims who wouldn't know they've been violated until after the fact.</p> <p>"The basic problem with RFID is surreptitious access to ID," said Bruce Schneier security technologist, author and chief technology officer of Counterpane Internet Security, a technology security consultancy. "The odds are zero that RFID passport technology won't be hackable."</p> <p>The State Department argues the concerns are overstated. "We wouldn't be issuing the passports to ourselves if we didn't think they're secure," said Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Passport Services Frank Moss, who noted that RFID passports have already been issued to core State Department personnel, including himself. hofte, albu "We're our own test population.</p> EOF; /********************************************** This is the automatice keyword generator class ***********************************************/ //this the actual application. include('class.autokeyword.php'); echo "<H1>Input - text</H1>"; echo $data; $params['content'] = $data; //page content //set the length of keywords you like $params['min_word_length'] = 2; //minimum length of single words $params['min_word_occur'] = 2; //minimum occur of single words $params['min_2words_length'] = 3; //minimum length of words for 2 word phrases $params['min_2words_phrase_length'] = 10; //minimum length of 2 word phrases $params['min_2words_phrase_occur'] = 2; //minimum occur of 2 words phrase $params['min_3words_length'] = 3; //minimum length of words for 3 word phrases $params['min_3words_phrase_length'] = 10; //minimum length of 3 word phrases $params['min_3words_phrase_occur'] = 2; //minimum occur of 3 words phrase $keyword = new autokeyword($params, "iso-8859-1"); $keywords = $keyword->get_keywords(); /********************************************** This is the start of the auto link keyword! ***********************************************/ print "<p></p><hr /><h1>Output Text with Auto Link Keyword</h1>"; $linkfile ='linkedKeywords.php'; //read the file $fh = fopen($linkfile,'r') or die("can't read ".$linkfile." file!"); $keyword_array = array(); while (! feof($fh)) { $s = rtrim(fgets($fh,1024)); list($word,$link) = explode(',',$s); $word = trim($word); $link = trim($link); $keyword_array[$word] = $link; } fclose($fh) or die("can't close file ".$linkfile."!"); $style = <<< CEOF <style> #link { font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } .link{ font-size: 1.1em; color: #069; font-weight: bold; } </style> CEOF; print "<br/>".$style; include('class.autolink.php'); $autolink = new autolink($keywords, $keyword_array, $data, "link", "link"); echo $autolink->linkKeywords(); ?> :'( :'( HELP
  10. I just had a quick look, and It seems like this can solve the link "problem", but I still need something that changes the text to a different color or something... Not all of them has to be links... but now I have something to start with so I'll post a new thread later then Like I said, it wasnt hard to the ones that have clue Thanks :D
  11. haha... I know... Im not good in explaining things... lol Ill try again: If my text look like this: "bla bla bla bla dog, bla bla bla, norway, bla bla bla bla " I want a script that automaticly changes some of the words in my text... "bla bla bla bla dog, bla bla bla, norway, bla bla bla bla " Example: I want the script to change all words "dog" to be red, all words "norway" to be blue and so on, I want to maybe have a list with words that the script checks and then change my website... (change to same text, but with color, different size and maybe links) To me it's sound similar to a .css file, but I want the script to change the look of the words and maybe make them a link and so on... and I don't think a .css file can to this I found this: http://www.ifinity.com.au/Products/Inline_Html_Links_For_DNN It's something like this I need, but in a script.... But I think this is a addon to a program or something.... I know I know, this explanation wasnt better, but hopefully some of you understand?
  12. ok, after reading a bit more on this forum and elsewhere, I understand i am way off with my explanation, and it actually seems like this isnt a difficult problem as long as you know what to do.. AND I DONT :'( unfortunately I have noe clue on this kind of programming, and are beggin on my knees to someone that can help me point me in the right direction.. pleeease???
  13. Hi I am a total newbie, and need a script... lol... I have buildt a "information" website and I am looking for a script that changes predefined words (from a file) to a certaing color, size and maybe link to different pages... Im not sure what to call this script, but the easiest way to explain this is to have a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog Here you can see that there are links within the text, and I guess they are not entering links to each of these words when they create each site.... Do any of you know whether this script is available somewhere...? I need it :'( please email/om me or post some tips for me here... I would need the full script though...
  14. Hi, I am a totally newbie with all that has to do with programming, but hopefully I will get some help here
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