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  1. How do you want me to prove that? I Made the database. Followed a tutorial and no i am all stuck. I barely have any idea what I am doing.
  2. I inserted some data into it using the insert function of phpmyadmin. I just cant get it to show on my site. Here is just what happens when I try and load it. http://www.compatatron.com/testpage.php It just cant find it. I have a database all made and it says it is there on the server. I dont get why it wont find it, the name and password are corect as is the name of the database. Its infuriating!
  3. When I made the database in phpmyadmin it came up with this mySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows) what does this mean. Here is the .sql file I was importing to try and get it working CREATE TABLE `comments` ( `commentid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `tutorialid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `name` text NOT NULL, `url` text NOT NULL, `comment` text NOT NULL, `email` text NOT NULL, `date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (`commentid`), KEY `tutorialid` (`tutorialid`) )
  4. Alrighty. Well thanks for all the help much appreciated.
  5. I got a tutorial for making a comment script online. I used the .sql file attached to it to make a database. Changed all that it said but when I try to use it on the web space I get this error. Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) in Sitefiles/inc_rate.php on line 12 I cannot connect to the database because: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) I am really bad at databases and am not sure what to do.
  6. You cant post the code you messed about with to get it working or anything? or what you changed to get it working correctly? ?
  7. Have you had any luck mjdamato? or had a chance to look over the code at all yet?
  8. I know I am a dofus. I thought by attach you meant just put it down. I dont know why. My head is away these past couple of days. I was posting earlier and noticed the attach thing. Sorry. But I really appreciate the help thanks.
  9. I did attach it. Look at the post directly above that one you posted. There is a zip file that contains everything.
  10. I just noticed you can attach files. Here is all the source files downloaded all ready to go. I havn't touched them at all. They just dont shuffle for me. Sorry I didn't post this before. I just noticed now that you can include files. [attachment deleted by admin]
  11. Was any of this helpful? Any idea from my mass of code what is causing the problem?
  12. There was a CSS file as well but that shouldn't matter right?
  13. Ok I will put ever single bit of code I am using down. I really appreciate the help guys. Index.php <?php //index.php session_name("Acronym_Test"); session_start(); $_SESSION['score'] = 0; $_SESSION['correct'] = array(); $_SESSION['wrong'] = array(); $_SESSION['finished'] = 'no'; $_SESSION['num'] = 0; require_once ('functions.php'); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" /> <title>The Web Acronym Test</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="start.js"></script> </head> <body id="splash"> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="intro"> <h1>Take the test and see how well you know your web acronyms</h1> <p>Each acronym has 4 possible answers. Choose the answer you think is correct and click <strong>'Submit Answer'</strong>. You'll then be given the next acronym.</p> <p>There are 20 acronyms, so let's get cracking! You'll get your score at the end of the test. It's just like facebook (honest!).</p> <div id="leaderboard"> <h2>Top 10 Scorers</h2> <?php showLeaders('leaders.xml',10,5); ?> </div><!-- leaderboard--> </div><!--intro--> <div id="quiz"> <h2>Start The Test</h2> <p>If featuring on the Score Board is of absolutely no interest to you,</p> <form id="jttt" method="post" action="test.php"> <p><input type="submit" value="Just Take The Test" /></p> </form> <form id="questionBox" method="post" action="test.php"> <p>If you want to be placed on the 'Top Scorers' list, please enter a username below.</p> <ul> <li><label for="username">Create A Username:</label><br /> <input type="text" id="username" name="username" value="Username" /> <p id="exp">Username must be between 3 and 10 characters in length</p></li> </ul> <p><input type="hidden" name="register" value="TRUE" /> <input type="submit" id="submit" value="Register And Take The Test" /></p> </form> <p id="helper"><?php if(isset($_SESSION['error'])) echo $_SESSION['error']; ?></p> </div><!--quiz--> </div><!--wrapper--> </body> </html> test.php <?php //test.php session_name("Acronym_Test"); session_start(); require_once('questionsandanswers.php'); require_once('functions.php'); if (!isset($_POST['submitter'])) { if(isset($_POST['register'])) { $username = trim(strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['username']))); $file = "leaders.xml"; $xml = simplexml_load_file($file); foreach($xml->user as $user) { if ($user->name == $username) { $_SESSION['error'] = 'That name is already registered, please choose another.'; header('Location: index.php'); exit(); } } $_SESSION['user'] = $username; $_SESSION['score'] = 0; $_SESSION['correct'] = array(); $_SESSION['wrong'] = array(); $_SESSION['finished'] = 'no'; if (isset($_SESSION['error'])) unset($_SESSION['error']); $num = 0; } else { $random = rand(1,1000); $_SESSION['user'] = 'Anon'. $random; $_SESSION['score'] = 0; $_SESSION['correct'] = array(); $_SESSION['wrong'] = array(); $_SESSION['finished'] = 'no'; $num = 0; } } else { $num = (int) $_POST['num']; $postedanswers = str_replace("_"," ",$_POST['answers']); if ($postedanswers == $answers[$num]['0']) { $_SESSION['score']++; $_SESSION['correct'][] = $postedanswers; } else { $_SESSION['wrong'][] = $postedanswers; } if ($num < count($questions)-1) { $num++; } else { $last = true; $_SESSION['finished'] = 'yes'; } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" /> <title>The Web Acronym Test</title> <?php if (!isset($last)) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"form.js\"></script>"; } ?> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="intro"> <h1>Take the test and see how well you know your web acronyms</h1> <p>Each acronym has 4 possible answers. Choose the answer you think is correct and click <strong>'Submit Answer'</strong>. You'll then be given the next acronym.</p> <p>There are 20 acronyms, so let's get cracking! You'll get your score at the end of the test. It's just like facebook (honest!).</p> <?php if(isset($_SESSION['user'])) echo "<h4>Current tester: {$_SESSION['user']}</h4>"; ?> </div><!--intro--> <div id="quiz"> <?php if (!isset($last)) { ?> <h2>Acronym <?php echo $num+1; ?>:</h2> <p>What does <strong><?php echo $questions[$num]; ?></strong> stand for?</p> <form id="questionBox" method="post" action="test.php"> <ul> <?php $pattern = ' '; $replace = '_'; shuffle_assoc($answers[$num]); foreach ($answers[$num] as $answer) { $answer2 = str_replace($pattern,$replace,$answer); echo "<li><input type=\"radio\" id=\"$answer2\" value=\"$answer2\" name=\"answers\" />\n"; echo "<label for=\"$answer2\">$answer</label></li>\n"; } ?> </ul> <p><input type="hidden" name="num" value="<?php echo $num; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="submitter" value="TRUE" /> <input type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" value="Submit Answer" /></p> </form> <?php } else { $file = "leaders.xml"; $xml = simplexml_load_file($file); $user = $xml->addChild('user'); $uname = $user->addChild('name',$_SESSION['user']); $uscore = $user->addChild('score',$_SESSION['score']); $xml->asXML("leaders.xml"); echo "<h2 id=\"score\">{$_SESSION['user']}, your final score is:</h2>\n <h3>{$_SESSION['score']}/20</h3><h4>Verdict:</h4>"; if($_SESSION['score'] <= 5) echo "<p id=\"verdict\"><span>S</span>everely <span>H</span>indered <span>I</span>n the <span>T</span>est!</p>\n"; if(($_SESSION['score'] > 5) && ($_SESSION['score'] <= 10)) echo "<p id=\"verdict\"><span>C</span>ould <span>R</span>ead <span>A</span>nd <span>P</span>ractice more.</p>\n"; if(($_SESSION['score'] > 10) && ($_SESSION['score'] <= 15)) echo "<p id=\"verdict\"><span>A</span>cronyms a<span>R</span>e <span>S</span>o <span>E</span>asy!</p>\n"; if($_SESSION['score'] > 15) echo "<p id=\"verdict\"><span>S</span>uper <span>A</span>cronym <span>S</span>pecialist</p>"; echo "<p id=\"compare\"><a href=\"results.php\">See how you compare! <img src=\"images/arrow.png\" /></a></p>"; } ?> </div><!--quiz--> </div><!--wrapper--> </body> </html> functions.php <?php //functions.php function shuffle_assoc(&$array) { $keys = array_rand($array, count($array)); foreach($keys as $key) $new[$key] = $array[$key]; $array = $new; return true; } function showLeaders($file,$limit,$group = null) { $leaders = array(); // Load the xml file and place all users and associated // scores into the 'leaders' array. $xml = simplexml_load_file($file); foreach($xml->user as $user) { $name = (string)$user->name; $score = (string)$user->score; $leaders[$name] = $score; } // Sort the leaders array numerically, highest scorers first. arsort($leaders,SORT_NUMERIC); // Initialise our $counter variable to '1'. $counter = 1; // Start a html ordered list to hold the leaders. $output = "<ul class=\"leaders\">\n"; // Loop through the 'leaders' array and wrap each username and score // in <li> tags. If the user is the current $_SESSION['user'], wrap // the name/score in <strong> tags too. foreach ($leaders as $key => $value) { // Check that $counter is less than $limit. if ($counter <= $limit) { if ($key == $_SESSION['user']) { $output .= "<li><strong>$key:</strong> $value/20</li>\n"; } else { $output .= "<li>$key: $value/20</li>\n"; } // Check to see if $group parameter has been passed. // If it has, create separate lists according to the $group variable. if ($group) { // Use the modulus operator(%) to create new sub-list. if($counter % $group == 0) { $output .= "</ul>\n<ul class=\"leaders\">\n"; } } } // Increment the $counter. $counter++; } // End the ordered list. $output .= "</ul>\n"; // Print out the ordered list. echo $output; } function showAnswers($answers,$questions) { for($x = 0; $x< count($answers); $x++) { if ($x % 2 == 0) { $output = "<div class=\"qanda clear\">\n"; } else { $output = "<div class=\"qanda\">"; } $output .= '<h4>Anacronym' . ($x+1) . ': ' . $questions[$x] . '</h4>'; $output .= "<ol>\n"; for ($y = 0;$y< count($answers[$x]); $y++) { if (($answers[$x][$y] === $answers[$x][0]) && (in_array($answers[$x][$y],$_SESSION['correct']))) { $output .= "<li class=\"correctuser\">{$answers[$x][$y]} (Correct!)</li>\n"; } else if ($answers[$x][$y] === $answers[$x][0]) { $output .= "<li class=\"correct\">{$answers[$x][$y]}</li>\n"; } else if (in_array($answers[$x][$y],$_SESSION['wrong'])) { $output .= "<li class=\"wrong\">{$answers[$x][$y]} (Woops!)</li>\n"; } else { $output .= "<li>{$answers[$x][$y]}</li>\n"; } } $output .= "</ol></div>\n"; echo $output; } } ?> questionsandanswers.php <?php $questions = array('FTP','AJAX','RSS','XSS','PHP','W3C','XML','YUI','HTML','CGI','SSL','SQL','HTTP','CSS','SOAP','WAI','SSI','JSON','XSLT','WCAG'); $answers = array( array(0 =>'File Transfer Protocol','Force Through Privately','File Through Protocol','File Test Protocol'), array(0 => 'Asynchronous JavaScript and XML','All JavaScript and XML','Alternative Java and XML','Actual JavaScript and XML'), array(0 => 'Really Simple Syndication','Really Simple Scripting','Ready-Styled Scripting','Really Stupid Syndication'), array(0 => 'Cross-site Scripting','Cross-site Security','Cleverly Structured Scripting','eXtremely Safe and Secure'), array(0 => 'PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor','Post Hypertext Processor','Practical HTML Processing','Process HTML Prettily'), array(0 => 'World Wide Web Consortium','World Wide Web Committee','World Wide Web Creatives','Wakefield Willy Wavers Club'), array(0 => 'eXtensible Markup Language','eXtendable Markup Language','Crossover Markup Language','eXtreme Markup Language'), array(0 => 'Yahoo User Interface','Yahoo\'s Useful Idea','Yahoo Utility Interface','Yahoo User Interaction'), array(0 => 'Hypertext Markup Language','Human Markup Language','Helpful Markup Language','Hypertext Memory Language'), array(0 => 'Common Gateway Interface','Common or Garden Interaction','Computer\'s Graphical Intelligence','Common Graphical Interface'), array(0 => 'Secure Sockets Layer','Server Security Layer','Server Security Level','Secret Socket Layer'), array(0 => 'Structured Query Language','Stupid Query Language','Secure Query Language','Strict Query Language'), array(0 => 'Hypertext Transfer Protocol','Hypertext Traffic Protocol','HTML Traffic Transfer Protocol','HTML Through Traffic Protocol'), array(0 => 'Cascading Style Sheets','Custom Style Sheets','Clientside Style Sheets','Calculated Style Sheets'), array(0 => 'Simple Object Access Protocol','Structured Object Access Protocol','Simple, Objective And Private','Simply Obvious Access Principle'), array(0 => 'Web Accessibility Initiative','World Wide Accessibility Intiative','World Wide Accessibility Incorporation','Web Accessibility and Inclusion'), array(0 => 'Server-Side Include','Server-Side Intelligence','Scripted Server Include','Secure Server Include'), array(0 => 'JavaScript Object Notation','JQuery-Scripting Object Notation','Just Simple Object Notation','JavaScript Over the Net'), array(0 => 'eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation','eXpandable Stylesheet Language Transfer','eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transfer','eXtendable Stylesheet Language Transformation'), array(0 => 'Web Content Accessibility Guidelines','Wakefield Community Action Group','Web Criteria And Guidelines','World-wide Common Access Group') ); ?> results.php <?php //results.php session_name("Acronym_Test"); session_start(); if($_SESSION['finished'] != 'yes') { header('Location: index.php'); } include_once('questionsandanswers.php'); include_once('functions.php'); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" /> <title>The Web Acronym Test Results</title> </head> <body id="resultpage"> <div id="wrapresult"> <h1>The Results Page For <span><?php echo $_SESSION['user']; ?></span></h1> <div id="intro"> <h2>Top 20 Scorers</h2> <?php showLeaders('leaders.xml',20); ?> </div><!--intro--> <div id="quiz"> <?php showAnswers($answers,$questions); ?> </div><!--quiz--> <ul id="footer" class="clear"> <li><a href="index.php" title="Start The Quiz Again">Start Again</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.elanman.co.uk/2009/03/make-your-own-php-quiz-part-1/" title="Return To ElanMan's Drawers">Return To The Blog</a></li> </ul> </div><!--wrapper--> </body> </html> leaders.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <users> <user> <name>Bobby</name> <score>10</score> </user> <user> <name>Billy</name> <score>1</score> </user> </users> start.js window.onload = function () { document.getElementById('username').onfocus = function(evt) { if(this.value == 'Username') this.value = ''; document.getElementById('helper').innerHTML = ''; } document.getElementById('username').onblur = function(evt) { if(this.value == '') this.value = 'Username'; } document.getElementById('questionBox').onsubmit = function() {return checkForm();}; } function checkForm() { if ((document.getElementById('username').value == '') || (document.getElementById('username').value == 'Username') || (document.getElementById('username').value.length < 3) || (document.getElementById('username').value.length > 10)) { document.getElementById('helper').innerHTML = 'To register, please enter your own username between 3 and 10 characters in length'; return false; } } form.js window.onload = function () { document.getElementById('submit').disabled = true; var qform = document.getElementById('questionBox'); var inputs = qform.getElementsByTagName('input'); for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length;i++) { inputs[i].onclick = function(evt) { checkForm();}; } } function checkForm() { document.getElementById('submit').disabled = false; } Thats EVERYTHING every single bit of code involved in this. Thanks for the help. Any help you can give would be amazing!
  14. I moved the two $nums = 0 's and it did nothing. Answer one is still the right one with no change. I didnt even have to copy the code. He gives all the source files for download. All I had to do was take them and modify the questions. But it still doesnt work. I have looked through the entire tutorial like twice and went over the code and there is no difference I really have no idea why it isnt working for me.
  15. $_SESSION['user'] = $username; $_SESSION['score'] = 0; $_SESSION['correct'] = array(); $_SESSION['wrong'] = array(); $_SESSION['finished'] = 'no'; if (isset($_SESSION['error'])) unset($_SESSION['error']); $num = 0; } else { $random = rand(1,1000); $_SESSION['user'] = 'Anon'. $random; $_SESSION['score'] = 0; $_SESSION['correct'] = array(); $_SESSION['wrong'] = array(); $_SESSION['finished'] = 'no'; $num = 0; } There is my code. I have the num 0 in there and it still doesnt work!
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