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About dustinnoe

  • Birthday 08/09/1980

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    Warner Robins, GA

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  1. Once again I have solved it myself, although my hats off to thorpe for pointing me in right direction. I believe writing things here helps me sort my thoughts and actions. Anyway, the nameservers were incorrect during the transfer. I discovered this by comparing zone settings from transfered sites to the zones settings for newly created sites. A quick update to the namesever and now I'm good to go. It only took me a night and a morning and I'm just a little smarter now.
  2. OK, I learned all about zone settings using BIND but I'm still in a bind. It seems that when I transfered multiple hosting accounts into one VPS something went haywire. The 'www' sub-domain does not work for any of those sites. The zones settings are correct. On the flip side, all the sites I have setup since the transfer using WHM are working properly. Is there another file in BIND that needs to be edited. I'm learning a lot from this but it is a bit frustrating.
  3. How do you configure the DNS to accept both?
  4. With those settings I can only see dustinnoe.com and not www.dustinnoe.com I am totally confused.
  5. I am having issues with VirtualHost. I cannot seem to get ServerAlias to work properly. Here are my settings: <VirtualHost ipaddress> ServerName www.dustinnoe.com ServerAlias www.dustinnoe.com dustinnoe.com DocumentRoot path/to/pages </VirtualHost> These settings will display the page when the url dustinnoe.com is used bt not when www.dustinnoe.com is used. If I remove the ServerAlias all together it displays using www.dustinnoe.com
  6. I am renting a VPS and everything works great except for any php file that tries to operate on a file or directory(ie: chmod). I found that the problem lies in who the owner of the file/dir is. In order to work properly it must be owned by php. When I upload through ftp(filezilla) the file/dir uploaded will get the username of the user that is connected. How can I set up my server so that I do not have to manually change the owner of files and directories that php will need to operate on? BTW: Is it safe to set a directory to 777 and leave it that way? Currently my script will chmod right before and after an operation needs to occur.
  7. So I put together a Vanilla Forum Fan Site for a friend of mine. Let me know what you think. http://idolbrookewhite.com
  8. That is for fraud protection not SSL
  9. <a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_payflow-pro-overview-outside">Paypal Payflow Pro</a> does not send you to their website for processing it all takes place on your site.
  10. I was playing around in the sandbox about a year ago and always found answers on the forum. Although I don't really know the answer to your question here is my thought on the subject. If you have a page where you are collecting sensitive information(ie. Credit card numbers) it needs to be secure.
  11. Oops! I didn't realize I was still running php4 on this machine. Upgraded to php5 and everything works great.
  12. Do you have a paypal sandbox account? If so, the forum there is awesome for answering this type of question.
  13. I am trying to use pear's text highlighter by searching for tags in an article and highlighting the content between the tags. Something is causing the script to crash with no errors. Error reporting is set to E_ALL. When there are no tags to replace the script completes and outputs the article. Maybe I am missing something obvious but this one has me scratching my head. <?php $phpsearch = '/\<\?php(.*?)\\?\>/is'; $sqlsearch = '/\[sql\](.*?)\[\/sql\]/is'; function highlight_sql($matches){ global $sqlsearch; $matches[0] = preg_replace($sqlsearch, '$1', $matches[0]); $sql = Text_Highlighter::factory('SQL'); return $sql->highlight($matches[0]); } function highlight_php($matches){ $php = Text_Highlighter::factory('php', array('tabsize' => 2)); return $php->highlight($matches[0]); } $article = preg_replace_callback($phpsearch, 'highlight_php', $article); $article = preg_replace_callback($sqlsearch, 'highlight_sql', $article); ?>
  14. <?php echo '<select name="rate">'; $rate = 10; while ($rate <= 1000) { echo "<option value=\"$rate\">$rate</option>\n"; $rate = $rate + 10; } echo '</select><br />'; ?>
  15. It's also a great opportunity to use AJAX.
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