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  1. Thank You Is it possible I Can pay you to write it to work the other way you seem to know php? To include select the first 100 listed and reset buttons? Actually I would only need it to select the first 100 only not all. Because some directories have thousands of selections and that would cause problems. The first 100 would be perfect.
  2. Sorry thanks mjdamatoOh I do understand Now. As I took another look I think it would be better if the form started with all the boxes checked. So My prob is I really need them all selected .If you look at my script can you just tell me how and what to change to make it that all checkboxes are all already selected in the form instead of empty boxes I think that will solve my issue? I don't know if your allowed to show you what I am trying to fix on my site I just want to make it simpler to select. So when you click the directories they will all be selected will help me a lot. http://gremx.com Thanks So Much
  3. Sorry I am sort of confused? I just want to add a button that says select all? It already shows all the boxes without checks. Can this be added to the script? And if so can you show me what to add?
  4. Thank you but I just wanted to add it in PHP right to this script if possible? I don't know much about PHP so really hope its possible?
  5. I have this PHP and it works great, just want to add a select all button and reset I am not that good at php can I get some help please? THANK YOU for the help in advance <?php $currentdir = getcwd(); chdir("/****/*************/**/*****/*/*/**"); $grmx= 'Music '; $filelist = glob("*.mp3"); if(empty($filelist)) { echo "Sorry DIR is loading new songs at this time..."; } else { echo "<form action=\"****************\" method=\"POST\">\n"; echo "$grmx<br />\n"; echo "<div style=\"height:200px;width:400px;overflow:auto;font-size: small;Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;color: #0066FF;border:1px solid #99CCFF;\">\n"; foreach($filelist AS $file) { if(is_file($file)) { echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"checkfiles[]\" value=\"$file\">$file<br />\n"; } } echo "</div>\n"; echo "<button type=\"submit\">Load Player</button>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; } chdir("$currentdir"); ?> <body style="color: #0066FF">
  6. Sorry! and THANK YOU SO MUCH. Worked Great! Just What I Wanted. One last question the .php that proses the script ends saying Done! This is the end code // Close and save The file fclose($fh); echo "Done!"; ?> What do I add to the code to say Done! then forward to another .html page? Thanks Again you have been so helpful.
  7. Thank You for the quick respond. Yes just want the results in a "container" on the page with scrollbars so it doesn't fill up the page. Can you please give me a example how to put the results in a DIV with the appropriate style properties. This is a first with me and php. Thank You
  8. This shows a list with check box's and has a submit button at the bottom. I would like to write with scrolling list with submit at the bottom. Can Anyone help change please? Thank You <?php $currentdir = getcwd(); chdir("/home/site/public_html/music"); $filelist = glob("*.mp3"); if(empty($filelist)){ echo "DIR is empty.."; }else{ echo "<form action=\"filesafe.php\" method=\"POST\">Choose your files:<br />"; foreach($filelist AS $file){ if(is_file($file)){ echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"checkfiles[]\" value=\"$file\">$file<br />"; } } echo "<input type=\"submit\">\n</form>"; } chdir("$currentdir"); ?>
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