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  1. Nothing important or needed for this script. I should of removed it for this post. Also, if removed it doesn't change the feeds behavior in IE. Still not sure what is going on...
  2. I'm lost on this one. This code works fine in Firefox, but not my IE8. I think it has something to do with the <?php echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'; ?> line, but i'm not sure. IE says "Internet Explorer cannot display this feed" and "A name contained an invalid character. Line: 7 Character: 701." Any ideas? <?php header('Content-Type: text/xml'); ?> <?php echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'; ?> <?php include('../vars.php'); ?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Newsfeed</title> <description>News and Updates</description> <link>http://www.example.com</link> <language>en-us</language> <?php require_once("../conn.php"); $query = "SELECT * FROM news"; $data = mysqli_query($db, $query); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($data)) { echo '<item>'; echo ' <title>' . $row['title'] . ' - ' . substr($row['content'], 0, 32) . '...</title>'; echo ' <link>http://www.example.com/new.php?newsid=' . $row['newsid'] . '</link>'; //echo ' <pubDate>' . $row['date'] . '</pubDate>'; echo ' <description>' . $row['content'] . '</description>'; echo '</item>'; } ?> </channel> </rss>
  3. yeah, I think I'll stick with my dynamicDNS setup for a while longer and see if I can't make it work for me. For better or worse here I go!
  4. Thanks for the input guys. I guess what I’m really trying to decide is what direction is best for me to take right now as far as the dynamic vs. static IP goes. My goal is straight forward - learn about apache (and ubuntu) by building a live server. - yep, I know I have a long road ahead of me. Things like being able to send mail from the php mail function are important to me. Right now I have a dynamic ip over a 25/15 fiber connection. Currently I’m working with an xubuntu server, a dynamic DNS / zoneedit.com enabled router , and two virtual hosts using my domains. Do you think I’d be better off right now to just forge ahead the dynamic DNS route or just take the “bottom line” approach and get that static IP?
  5. Is it possible to run a fairly full featured server over a dynamic DNS setup? It seems a mail server and ftp support would be messy. Your thoughts?
  6. Got it! - I know I'm still very ignorant about the ins and outs of apache. Thanks again for your comments thorpe. I moved my code from inside the <Directory> tags to just inside the <VirtualHost> tags and it worked.
  7. Good to know, thanks
  8. thanks thorpe! Your post pointed me in the right direction. I found and used this tutorial to get virtual hosts up and working - http://www.kandar.info/index.php/linux/create-apache-namebase-virtualhost-on-ubuntu I put some rewrite rules in the virtual host file for the appropriate domain under sites-enabled and was able to do a simple redirect. However, then I tried to drop in some code that makes urls case insensitive. After saving the file and upon 'sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload' I received a syntax error message that 'RewriteMap not allowed here...Fail!' So, I suppose the obvious question now is if 'RewriteMap' is required for case insensitive urls, where do I put this code?
  9. Does apache2 install differently on different linux distributions? For example, I am learning to use ubuntu and the apache web folder is located at /var/www while the apache2 folder is /etc/apache2. If I was to try debian or Fedora would the file structure be the same?
  10. I understand mod_rewrite rules can go in the .htaccess file, but where else can you put them? One of the apache2 config files? My setup is a Xubuntu 9.10 apache2 server and I'm pretty sure that 'RewriteMap' does not work in .htaccess. I know I have a lot to learn still, but ultimately I'm trying to achieve case insensitive urls.
  11. Thanks Salathe! I have a tremendous amount.... Not sure how I missed that one
  12. Hey everyone! I'm 25, a SoCal resident, a flight instructor by trade, and think PHP is totally awesome! I discovered 'web development' about a year ago and have been hooked ever since. I've read a few books about 'web development' (now if I could only get it to stick in my brain!) - Head First HTML / CSS Head First JavaScript Head First PHP PHP and MySQL Web Development by Luke Wellington PHP for Absolute Beginners (I'm currently reading this one) I'm not much of an academic, but I have tremendous about of drive to become a competent coder and learn the LAMP stack. It's nice to meet you all! - Cheers!
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