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  1. Well can you code it for me?
  2. Alright. During installation i want "install.php" to read the MYSQL details from "config.php" and then put them into "init.php" I attached the files because it was over 40,000 characters. Thanks. [attachment deleted by admin]
  3. Alright heres the thing. I need it to insert the same MYSQL details as this file (details arn't real) $dbhost = "localhost"; // DATABASE HOST IT IS USUALLY LOCALHOST $dbuser = "mrjohn1_btcs"; // DATABASE USERNAME $dbpass = "startrek"; // DATABASE PASSWORD $dbname = "mrjohn1_bcstcs"; // DATABASE NAME $dbprefix = ""; // DATABASE PREFIX (if needed, used for multiple sites and 1 database) Then they have to goin into this // ***** Config **************************************************************** // The list of admin users. // To add multiple admins, use a code like this: array('admin1', 'admin2', 'admin3'); $chat_admins = array('admin'); // The number of messages to keep $chat_histlen = 1000; // Interval in seconds to wait before setting status to away $chat_t_away = 30; // Interval in seconds to wait before disconnecting a user $chat_t_logout = 9; // Interval in seconds between refreshes $chat_t_refresh = 1; // Messages sent to the users $chat_err_inval = 'Invalid username or password!'; $chat_err_inuse = 'The username you selected is already in use!'; $chat_err_kick = 'You are not allowed to enter the chat. Contact admin for explanation.'; $chat_err_mute = 'You are not allowed to post in the chat. Contact admin for explanation.'; // Use this function to validate registered users' login information. function chat_chk($username, $password, &$gender, &$status) { $gender = 'none'; $status = 'none'; // Remove this line return true; // Enter MySQL access information $MySQL_username = ''; $MySQL_password = ''; $MySQL_database = ''; // Enter the location of user data in MySQL database $MySQL_table = ''; $MySQL_username_field = ''; $MySQL_password_field = ''; This is Ajax chat board i think its name is. Please help.
  4. alright ill give it a shot. Ill say how it goes.
  5. Wait no this will not work. The files i want it to edit are Config.php and a few otherws. All PHP. will it work?
  6. alright i think i have sort of an idea. thanks
  7. basically i want it to fill in the Mysql details of config files.
  8. Alright so like what do i do lol? I'm not super bright.
  9. Hey Alright so. I have made some scripts. Pretty sick scripts. Now i wanna create an installation that will edit PHP file and insert MYSQL stuff. I have MYSQL sorted. But how do I create an installation that will edit PHP files during install. Thanks Matt
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