Alright heres the thing.
I need it to insert the same MYSQL details as this file (details arn't real)
$dbuser = "mrjohn1_btcs"; // DATABASE USERNAME
$dbpass = "startrek"; // DATABASE PASSWORD
$dbname = "mrjohn1_bcstcs"; // DATABASE NAME
$dbprefix = ""; // DATABASE PREFIX (if needed, used for multiple sites and 1 database)
Then they have to goin into this
// ***** Config ****************************************************************
// The list of admin users.
// To add multiple admins, use a code like this: array('admin1', 'admin2', 'admin3');
$chat_admins = array('admin');
// The number of messages to keep
$chat_histlen = 1000;
// Interval in seconds to wait before setting status to away
$chat_t_away = 30;
// Interval in seconds to wait before disconnecting a user
$chat_t_logout = 9;
// Interval in seconds between refreshes
$chat_t_refresh = 1;
// Messages sent to the users
$chat_err_inval = 'Invalid username or password!';
$chat_err_inuse = 'The username you selected is already in use!';
$chat_err_kick = 'You are not allowed to enter the chat. Contact admin for explanation.';
$chat_err_mute = 'You are not allowed to post in the chat. Contact admin for explanation.';
// Use this function to validate registered users' login information.
function chat_chk($username, $password, &$gender, &$status)
$gender = 'none';
$status = 'none';
// Remove this line
return true;
// Enter MySQL access information
$MySQL_username = '';
$MySQL_password = '';
$MySQL_database = '';
// Enter the location of user data in MySQL database
$MySQL_table = '';
$MySQL_username_field = '';
$MySQL_password_field = '';
This is Ajax chat board i think its name is.
Please help.