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Everything posted by y.t.

  1. y.t.

    Form Handler

    I have done this and run my form. When I look into the error logs, I don't see one of recent time stamp. They are compressed and time stamped...latest one is 7-something PM EST.
  2. y.t.

    Form Handler

    Thank you for your help. Question: When they tell me: "If you use the mail() function in your PHP, you do not need to specify an outgoing mail server. If you are using some other method besides mail() in your PHP code, use relay-hosting.secureserver.net for your relay server." where in the PHP file would I declare the relay-hosting?
  3. y.t.

    Form Handler

    You are right, the following is listed higher up in my AS code: var var_load:URLLoader = new URLLoader; var URL_request:URLRequest = new URLRequest( "se.php" ); URL_request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
  4. y.t.

    Form Handler

    name of PHP file = "se.php"
  5. y.t.

    Form Handler

    Thank you for catching the subject issue. *this issue resolved. The message still fails. I have written my form in ActionScript 3, not HTML. The following is my AS: function sendText (event:MouseEvent):void { if( inputName.text == "" || inputEmail.text == "" || inputPhone.text == "" || inputMessage.text == "") { statusText.text = "Please fill in all text fields."; } else if( !validate_email(inputEmail.text) ) { statusText.text = "Email not valid."; } else { statusText.text = "sending..."; var email_data:String = "name=" + inputName.text + "&email=" + inputEmail.text + "&phone=" + inputPhone.text + "&message=" + inputMessage.text; var URL_vars:URLVariables = new URLVariables(email_data); URL_vars.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT; URL_request.data = URL_vars; var_load.load( URL_request ); var_load.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, receive_response ); } } function receive_response(e:Event):void { var loader:URLLoader = URLLoader(e.target); var email_status = new URLVariables(loader.data).success; if( email_status == "yes" ) { statusText.text = "Your message was sent."; timer = new Timer(500); timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, on_timer); timer.start(); } else { statusText.text = "Message Failed!"; } } I'm officially stumped. I have been on this one issue now for just over four hours. :'( All I get in response when testing is "Message Failed." *maybe I should just change my message status
  6. This is my first post, so let me first say 'hello'. I have written a simple form handler which works on my testing server; when I deploy to my client's GoDaddy server the message fails. I have contacted GoDaddy's support and have been told the following: "If you use the mail() function in your PHP, you do not need to specify an outgoing mail server. If you are using some other method besides mail() in your PHP code, use relay-hosting.secureserver.net for your relay server." I DO use the mail() function and do not specify an outgoing mail server...the following is my code: <?php $contact_name = $_POST['name']; $contact_email = $_POST['email']; $contact_phone = $_POST['phone']; $contact_message = $_POST['message']; if( $contact_name == true ) { $sender = $contact_email; $receiver = "[email protected]"; $phone = $contact_phone; $receiver2 = $contact_email; $client_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $email_body = "Name: $contact_name \nEmail: $sender \n\nPhone: $phone\n\nMessage: \n\n$contact_message \n\nIP: $client_ip \n\n"; if( mail( $receiver, "Contacted via Web Site - $contact_subject", $email_body )) { echo "success=yes"; } else { echo "success=no"; } } ?> Any idea on what I am missing??
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