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Posts posted by hackalive

  1. If you look at the manual page given to you, you might have noticed this function:

    openssl_pkey_new - Generates a new private key


    Use that to generate your new key. See the manual page for the specific details on how it works.


    Thanks for that, however I can't see how to specify CBC/PKC7.


    I believe private_key_bits would = 256bit (Key Size)?

  2. What exactly is the issue?


    Maybe your looking for the openssl php extension?




    The issue is I can't seem to find how to create a AES (CBC/PKCS7/256bit) key.


    I'm open to OpenSSL and mcrypt - although from what I can tell OpenSSL is better?


    They keys need to be compatible with Microsoft's CryptoAPI (and I believe OpenSSL is).

  3. Hi Guys,


    I need to generate an AES file key (CBC/PKCS7/256bit) using PHP and then obviously need to store the key.


    The second phase is to encrypt a string using the key generated and stored above, however for the moment its the key generation that is the issue.


    My first thought was to use OpenSSL as it is a library that can be added to any Apache installation.


    Any help is greatly appreciated.


    Cheers in advance.

  4. Firebug does not show any overflow: hidden set for any parent elements.


    The original sizes vary - one is 298 x 60


    (All appears ok in FF on my desktop - but cuts off in FF on my laptop - just realised this)

  5. Hi Guys,


    I am using Adobe Illustrators Export to save a PNG of a few logos.


    If I use Save for Web is comes out blurry so I use Export.


    My issue however is when I set <img style="height:22px;"> it keeps cutting off the right hand side of the image.


    Originall i was uisng height:22.5px and changing to no decimals has not helped.


    Any ideas? Really need some help on this as I cant seem to figure it out and its driving me nuts!



  6. GitHub reply:


    The archive feature is covered in our API documentation here:


    Since it's a private repository you'll want to create an OAuth token to grant your script access to the repository:


    I don't have much experience with PHP myself, but perhaps one of the PHP API wrappers has some example code you could look at:



    Can anyone perhaps help me implement (code) it?

  7. @ignace, i cant run it from my own computer, I want to make it part of the cron.


    Surely there is some way to 'login' to github.com (API or some form) and then run the code to download the zip?

    Some way to manually SSH key?


    Also how can i convert:

    curl -L -F "login=$USER" -F "token=$TOKEN" https://github.com/$USER/$REPO/$PKGTYPE/$BRANCHorTAG

    to PHP?

  8. Hi guys,


    I am trying to add to my PHP cron script I have.


    I want the cron to check a private repo on github.com to see if it has been updated since last download and then to download the master.zip, and then extract it over the top of the old code.


    My first issue is how to get the PHP code to download the master.zip from a private repo.



    file_put_contents("master.zip", file_get_contents("https://github.com/company/repo/archive/master.zip"));

    is not going to work, as it is a private repo.


    I did take a look at this https://github.com/markomarkovic/simple-php-git-deploy but was unable to get it to work as I have now idea how to create an SSH for a shared hosting account that PHP can use to contact GitHub.


    So if anyone can help me get markomarkovic's code to work or has any other code suggestions or ideas please let me know :)


    Cheers in advance!

  9. Hi Guys,


    I have a database table and I want to be able to track all the changes to it, much like wikipedia you can see previous versions.


    I have many fields within the table, extract/example below.



    id (PK)




    So I want to track any and all changes to any of the fields


    Whats the best way to achieve this?


    Let me know if you need any more info.

  10. Hi guys,


    I have two mysqli tables (people and data)


    People has their id and data has the people_id


    now I need to run a SELECT against data for a select 100 people based on a condition within people (so run a select on people first to get the id, then run the id against data).


    What is the best and most efficient way to do this?












    So say I want all the info for people aged 50.


    First I run a select on TBL_PEOPLE to get all the people_id for age = 50. Then need to get info for all people_id results.


    Hope that all makes sense.

  11. Hi guys,


    I am in need of a webDAV client using PHP (library).


    Needs to be able to connect to my existing Windows webDAV system.


    Not having much luck, sabreDAV seems to be a webDAV server.




    Hope someone can point me in the right direction.

  12. PKCS#5 padding is identical to PKCS#7 padding, except that it has only been defined for block ciphers that use a 64 bit (8 byte) block size. In practice the two can be used interchangeably.

  13. After some research I have found that I can sign my own certs as a CA (using a self made cert in phpseclib).


    My question now is, checking if that cert is valid or not using phpseclib, is that good enough? Is it easy for someone to figure out/spoof/fake my cert that signs their certs?



  14. Hi guys,


    So rather than always having to enter in a username and password, I want my intranet to accept X.509 certs generated using http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net/x509/examples.html#casignedv


    Now I do not want to use Apache to handle to login (I know this is possible). Instead I want a pure PHP solution (with a tad of MySQL maybe).


    So essentially, I am trying to figure out how I can get PHP to check that the certificate is a real one and not faked by someone else. How could I do this?


    Would I keep the Private Key on my server and then do a decrypt or something with the public key from the Cert? I am grasping at straws here as I am not so sure what to do or how to do it?


    Any help is much appreciated, also if you need any more info let me know.

  15. Thanks for your help boompa - but that says 5/7 - how to I pick 7 specifically or is 7 the default and 5 is a misprint?


    I need a way to verify it is PKCS7

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