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  1. to see your error put @ in mysql for example @mysql_query($query,$con) or die ("Error: $query ".mysql_error()); and in your $_POST['MM_insert'] == 'form1' why not just check the value of your submit button? like if (isset($_POST['your_submit_button_name'])) { // your insert goes here. } and your insert why not just make it simple?, example $query = "insert into mytable(name,age) values('yourname','12')"; @mysql_query($query,$con) or die ("Error: $query ".mysql_error()); even if you put '12' with quote it will be converted to the datatype of your column. bec that is what i am doing and it is working good.
  2. so your problem is you don't want the <p> and other html tag to appear in your web? if that is your problem, try this.. $str = '<div> Wow </div> <div> Yehey </div>'; echo html_entity_decode($str); output: Wow Yehey
  3. hello, i have read topic on the internet that says i have to buy an adobe media interactive server and moyea so that you can have a video on the internet (without using you tube). how can i install a software like this to the webhost? thanks everyone.
  4. okok thanks, so myabe i just search for it in javascript another question is, i have just uploaded my php.ini on the server. Will it work without including (include()) it on some of your files? cause all i did to it is just upload it. so if i have uploaded it, is that all that i must do? thanks..
  5. hi, My question is, Is there a way to configure php.ini to allow javascript to detect flash? if yes how? this is for a movie in my web. thanks.
  6. and this one too... check it echo "<iframe src=$url style="background: #fff;" frameborder="0" height="450" scrolling="auto" width="100%"></iframe>"; </div> remove the </div> in inside your <? ?> and this one too looks like a buggy one <iframe src=$url without the " maybe it should be echo "<iframe src=\"$url\" style=\"background: #fff;\" frameborder=\"0\" height=\"450\" scrolling=\"auto\" width=\"100%\"></iframe>";
  7. Hi, I can't find any codes on the internet for creating a picture for a video when uploading it. My problem is that i have to have a picture link for my few video instead of just having a text link. I can't just press print screen button when the video starts and paste it in my web every upload. I want to do it automatically using php during video upload. Any codes, advices, web urls, and etc is highly appreciated. thanks..
  8. try changing that lines.. i think that was your problem.. if ($_GET['id']) { $id = $_GET['id']; $gethotel= @mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM yourtable WHERE id='$id' ") or die(mysql_error());
  9. Because your given code will not work really. and don't put php script on .css file put this in your .php file Try this one <? $background[] = 'images/yourbackground1'; // change the values inside ' ' $background[] = 'images/yourbackground2'; $background[] = 'images/yourbackground3'; $background[] = 'images/yourbackground4'; $background[] = 'images/yourbackground5'; $r = rand (0,4); // for as many as you want $background[] = 'images/yourbackground6'; etc ?> <body background="<?=$background[$r]?> ">
  10. i used session for my web for log-ins. Now after you logged in, if you click the back button in your browser sometimes the page expires. How can i solve this problem? One of my classmate told me to use cookies instead, do i really have to change it to cookies? thanks.
  11. that's a good advice, i think.
  12. I have some question: how do i get the current date in certain place ex. hongkong? and insert it in the database. bec. i have uploaded my web in my host. it will insert the date into the dtabase based on the server's clock. right? so if i'm in hong kong and my host is in usa. I viewed the web and I will get the server's current date. is that right? If this is right that's the problem. bec i will just use default timestamp. (Is there Any Alternatives Out there?)
  13. Thank you very much good one, I have not yet tried it but looks like this is the solution to my problem.
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