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  1. I recently purchased a php contact script from codecanyon.net. I am new to php but I understand somewhat because I am well rounded in php. Basically I have the script integrated completely to my website and have setup everything correctly through MySQL and ext. What I want to happen is when the user goes to the login page they enter their username and password and then they get redirected to their own personal page, kindof like online banking and ext. It is for my clients to see updates on projects and important files that need to be downloaded. I am somewhat confused how to accomplish this. I tried one method in which I would change the users level. This is on top of the login page: <?php include('check.php'); check_login('1'); ?> <?php include('header.php'); ?> I thought if I changed check_login to the user level lets say 5 then only they would be able to log in to that page. I didn't realize, until thinking about it, that user levels from 1 to 5 would be able to view that page and that user levels from 6+ could not view that page. So basically what I need help with is to figure out a way in which when a user logs in they will be redirected to their own personal page that others can not view. Thanks, Danny
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