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  1. Hello crashmaster, did you ever find anything? If not, try this: a file named callbacks.php, with <?php //Captures the petition and load the suitable section $file = $_GET['section']; if(file_exists("$file")) { print("<img src=$abc></img>"); } else { die('<title>404 | YOUR_SITE_NAME</title><h1>Ooops...</h1> <p>You hit a 404: You either have an old bookmark or took a bad link.</p>'); } Another file named core.js with: //On load page, init the timer which check if the there are anchor changes each 300 ms $().ready(function(){ setInterval("checkAnchor()", 300); }); var currentAnchor = null; //Function which checks to see if there are any anchor changes, if there are, it sends the ajax petition function checkAnchor(){ //Check if it has changes if(currentAnchor != document.location.hash){ currentAnchor = document.location.hash; //if there is not anchor, the loads the default section if(!currentAnchor) query = "section=home"; else { //Creates the string callback. This converts the url URL/#main&id=2 in URL/?section=main&id=2 var splits = currentAnchor.substring(1).split('&'); //Get the section var section = splits[0]; delete splits[0]; //Create the params string var params = splits.join('&'); var query = "section=" + section + params; } //Send the petition $.get("callbacks.php",query, function(data){ $("#content").html(data); }); } } And of course, your index.php file, with: <head> <script src="jquery-1.4.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="core.js"></script> </head> <body> <a href="#photo.jpg">Photo1</a> </body> NOTE: You'll have to download jQuery, and place it in your working directory. You can also have a link point to a file in a subdirectory, ie: #photos/photo1.png. If you have any questions, speak up. ~James
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