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Everything posted by TOA

  1. That if was to check if you get a result or not. If it doesn't die, you get a result and you're correct, it's in there. I'm going to say again, echo $row and name your select.
  2. I am NOT a server guy, so I don't think I can offer much help, sorry, but that seems like your php isn't set up or is set up incorrectly.
  3. I just told you. If you don't know what to do with what I posted, look it up in the manual. Seems like your trying to run before you can walk. I'll give you a head start if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "post") { print_r($_POST); } <form name="myform" method="post"> <input type="checkbox" name="clientId[]" value="10"> - Fred <br /> <input type="checkbox" name="clientId[]" value="20"> - Mary <br /> <input type="checkbox" name="clientId[]" value="30"> - Bob <br /> <input type="hidden" name="campaignId" value="2"> <input name="submit" type="button" value="Submit"> </form> This will show you what info you have to work with once you hit submit.
  4. No, that's to take the place of where you grab the get variable, to mimick that. It's just to find out if the $_GET is coming through. Can you post an entire script? I'm still not entirely sure what you're doing. At the time you call this function, $_GET['folder'] must have a value set. The error is telling you it's not.
  5. Well, you have to make a GET request to the page to set it. You can fill it with dummy data for now like this $dirs = 'my_desired_folder'; or $_GET['folder'] = 'my_desired_folder'; $dirs = $_GET['folder']; but to work with $_GET, the url would need to contain something like '&folder=something'. Have a look at the manual for $_GET
  6. print_r($_POST) will tell you what you have when you hit submit. To go from there, you'd need to post some relevant code
  7. You are correct OP: try this $sql = "INSERT INTO `posts` (`title`,`image`,`text`,`author`,`date`) VALUES('$title ', '$image', '$text', '$user', NOW())"; $k = $db->prepare($sql); $k->execute();
  8. Try this: $dirs = $_GET['folder']; foreach(glob($dirs, GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $pdf) You're not using the value of $dirs, you're using the literal string 'dirs' in glob
  9. Yes I'm not sure that matters, unless his query is failing and someone has to tweak his query. OP..we can find that out by changing the following lines $result = sqlsrv_query($connection,$query); if(!$result) { die('We have no result so everything after will fail'); } Also, you should have error reporting turned on. Let us know how you get on.
  10. You need to echo $row['ForteID'] <?php echo $row['ForteID']; ?>
  11. I see two things: 1. I've never seen the short tags <?php= 2. Name your select
  12. Good point...might just be easier to use file_get_contents if there's never going to be php in it..
  13. Well, I'm assuming the use of a capital S on one and not the other is accidental, and taking that into account, are they in the same folder? Your path to the included file might not be correct..
  14. We need more info. What happens / doesn't happen? Do you have error reporting turned on?
  15. I am. It shows in his posted code for me. IE 8 on XP
  16. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed...might have been crazy Most likely a byte-order mark or something. Wherever you make that array key, it's adding something in there. We'd need to see some code to help find it.
  17. That's what I told him several posts ago...
  18. Really? Could just be from your posting online.
  19. [player] => Polaris You have a weird character in there that is probably your issue. Find where that's coming from and eliminate it.
  20. The error message is telling you what is going on...you're giving too many parameters to mail(). What you need to do is combine all the fields you want in the email into a variable named something like $message, and then look at the manual page for mail().
  21. So I found that if I change it to the code below, it will overwrite the third menu to nothing, but there's an issue in that in doesn't 'collapse' the div. It leaves a blank space where the menu was previsouly, then if you refresh it collapses and is what I'm expecting. if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200){ if (id == 'categories') { document.getElementById('modules').innerHTML=""; // essentially just write it back to nothing } document.getElementById(id).innerHTML=xmlhttp.responseText; } I suppose it's not a huge deal, but it bugs the ocd side of me. There has to be a better/more efficient way..
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