I have a database table with categories and subcategories. I want to use a cascading comboboxes for choosing subcategories but it is not working. i.e. if I choose the category "a" in first comobox, second combobox would appear with subcategory "a-a"...
Table example:
'categories' ('id', 'parent', 'wholeName')
(1, 0, a)
(2, 0, b)
(3, 0, c)
(4, 1, a-a)
(5, 2, b-b)
(6, 3, c-c)
(7, 4, a-a-a)
PHP function:
function getSelectFromTree( $forTheSearchForm = FALSE, $noFilter=FALSE, $attrs="" )
global $gorumroll;
$_S = & new AppSettings();
$itemNumCond = $_S->cascadingCategorySelectEnabled() && $gorumroll->list!="customlist" && $forTheSearchForm ? "AND itemNum>0" : "";
if( !$attrs ) $attrs = "id, name, parent, sortId, wholeName, allowAd, allowSubmitAdAdmin, itemNum, recursive, subCatNum";
if( $_S->permaLinksEnabled() ) $attrs.=", permaLink";
$query = "SELECT * FROM @category WHERE parent=0 $itemNumCond ORDER BY wholeName ASC";
G::load( $cats, $query );
if( $_S->cascadingCategorySelectEnabled() && $gorumroll->list!="customlist" && $gorumroll->rollid!=="alternative") return $cats;
$cat = new AppCategory();
$tree = & $cat->getCategoryTree( $cats, $attrs );
if( $noFilter ) $cond = FALSE;
$cond = $isAdm ? '$node["cat"]->allowAd==1' : '$node["cat"]->allowAd==1 && $node["cat"]->allowSubmitAdAdmin==0';
if( $forTheSearchForm ) $cond.= ' && $node["cat"]->itemNum>0';
$cond = "(($cond) || \$node['cat']->recursive)";
$categories = array();
$cat->getArrayFromCategoryTree($tree, $categories, $cond, 0);
return $categories;
Javascript code:
$JQ.extend($JQ.test, {
addNextSelectRow: function(url, subCategoryLabel, tableId)
$JQ.addNextSelectRowCore = function()
tableId = '#' + tableId;
var cid = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;
var allowAd = $JQ(this.options[this.selectedIndex]).attr('rel');
if( typeof allowAd=='undefined' ) allowAd=0;
var container = $JQ(this).closest('tr');
var rows = $JQ(tableId + ' tbody').eq(0).find('tr');
for( var i=rows.index(container)+1; i<rows.length; i++ ) rows.eq(i).remove();
if( cid!=0 )
$JQ(tableId + ' input:submit').hide();
$JQ(tableId + ' .submitfooter').append($JQ(loadingAnimation));
$JQ.getJSON(url+cid, '', function(data){
if( data.fields!='' )
if( data.allowAd=='1' )
$JQ(tableId + ' input:submit').eq(0).show();
$JQ(tableId + ' input:submit').eq(0).hide();
$JQ(tableId + ' input:submit').eq(1).show();
if( allowAd==0 )
$JQ(tableId + ' input:submit').eq(0).hide();
$JQ(tableId + ' input:submit').eq(1).show();
$JQ(tableId + ' input:submit').eq(0).show();
$JQ(tableId + ' input:submit').eq(1).hide();
cascadingSelectOnLoad: function(tableId)
tableId = '#' + tableId;
$JQ('[id^=cid]').livequery('change', $JQ.addNextSelectRowCore);
$JQ(tableId + ' input:submit').eq(0).click(function(e){
var selects = $JQ(e.target).closest('form').find('select:[name=cid]');
var select = selects[selects.length-1];
var cid = select.options[select.selectedIndex].value;
if( cid==0 )
select = selects[selects.length-2];
cid = select.options[select.selectedIndex].value;
if( !cid ) return true;
var href = location.href;
location.href = href.replace(/\/?\d*$/, '/'+cid);
return false;
simpleCategoryReload: function()
$JQ('#cid').change(function (){
var cid = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;
var href = location.href;
location.href = href.replace(/\/?\d*$/, '/'+cid);
Please help. Thank you!