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  1. If this needs to be in the PHP section, I apologize. Since the main template is HTML, I figured it would go here. Here is our website: http://nacleague.com As you can see, there is a banner up top with buttons and a picture. I will refer to this as the header. The template you see on the homepage is HTML/CSS. The League page is composed of the CMS script called KML League script. The forums are SMF. What we are trying to do is, insert that header into every page on the site. Where we have the banner on top and the auto-sized page of content below it. If you need a visual of what I am trying to explain, go to http://www.wogl.org There you will see the banner on every page with the corresponding auto-sized page below. If anyone can look into it and tell me if there is an easy way to do this, it would be really helpful. It will look more organized with that header on every page. I appreciate any help that can be given.
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