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Posts posted by obesechicken13

  1. Ahah  :D It works! I simply cut and pasted the mysql folder(C:\wamp\bin) to the desktop so it wouldn't get in the way.


    Then I reinstalled mysql, and cut and pasted that folder to where the old one was. Basically I replaced mysql with a new one.


    Then I double checked the config file that I had the correct answer, resaved it, restarted all services for wamp, and then tried to go to phpmyadmin. I got in!


    The command prompt is still screwy, so now I use the mysql client command prompt. I might just uninstall wamp though, since I lost access to my databases anyways :(


    Anyways, thanks to both of you for the help!

  2. Ok, so now I tried that in command and it still does not work.

    I get an "unknown variable" error.


    so what I type in cmd is:

    c:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.1.36\bin\mysql --init-file=c:\\mysql-init.txt


    Anyways, I'll try something else and get back to you tomorrow.

  3. Cookie support is enabled, I'm certain because when I go to tools->options->privacy on firefox, it says: firefox will remember history.


    I'm pretty certain that I did not delete any of my users, because when I try to log in with them in the command prompt, they still exist. I don't think I checked the remove users box, only the boxes for privileges, because I remember seeing the users still there in the privileges bar after applying the settings by pressing go.


    I know that I have set a password for my root user, and I have logged into the root user with that password. Only now that doesn't work. The password is located in the correct location of the config.ini located in C:\wamp\apps\phpmyadmin3.2.0.1


    I have no idea how I set a new mysql password. I tried to follow the instructions in the link you provided Mchl. I did everything until step 6 where whenever I tried the first command, with my specific mysql bin folder c:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.1.36, I would either get the error: "the system cannot find the path specified" for the second command or I would get the error "'c:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.1.36\mysqld-nt' is not recognized as an internal or external commmand"




    Anyways, this is getting frustrating, should I just delete the mysql folder and reinstall it? Should I reinstall wamp?

  4. So I logged into phpmyadmin around maybe 4:30 today, then I went into the privileges area. I'd made a few users including root, and charlie (my name). Then I checked the boxes next to some of these users because I thought that would give them the privileges to do anything. Then I pressed the go button at the bottom right.


    I don't think I made any major changes after that.


    Now when I go to the http://localhost address in my browser the wamp server still loads up

    Then under tools, I see two things

    1: phpinfo()

    2: phpmyadmin


    When I click on phpmyadmin there is an error that says:



    MySQL said: Documentation

    #1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)


    phpMyAdmin tried to connect to the MySQL server, and the server rejected the connection. You should check the host, username and password in your configuration and make sure that they correspond to the information given by the administrator of the MySQL server."



    I can't even log into my root account using the command prompt either

    I'll do:

    mysql -u root -p //I've tried it with another user, not just root

    then I enter my password


    what show up is:

    ERROR 1045 <28000>: Access denied for user 'charlie'@'localhost' <using password: YES>



    I am using wamp server on a windows 7 machine. Please help!

  5. I'm not sure if you'd be safe. I think you'd have to research the patent laws/(intellectual property laws) for copyright materials, as long as the game's creating company disbanded without selling the rights, you'd probably be ok if the game didn't get big. I think the best option though, would be to contact the people who made the game, and ask for permission.


    In the case of a game as big as pokemon: no. If you really need to, you could make some minor changes and distribute it without your name across the internet free of charge. Names: Instead of "starcraft", do "strategycraft", or something. Remember the original fake pokemon diamond roms(during the gold/silver/crystal generation GBA games)?

  6. Hi guys, this is my first thread. I just started learning PHP a few days ago. Yes I'm pretty sure this is in the wrong forum since I don't have code to share, just a general question that anyone can answer. Please direct me to the correct thread if there is a better one.


    So I just searched for a few threads pertaining to learning PHP, and it piched(sp?) an interesting question that I have. I've only learned C before (mild HTML self taught), and i just started reading PHP. However unlike C, I was learning in a class, whereas now, I'm self teaching from a book build your own database driven website by Kevin Yank. I'm having trouble understanding some of the syntax in his code whereas I didn't when learning C. This in turn leads to some difficulties understanding how his code does what it does. Is this normal?


    I think I have two options.

    1. I can go online and try to find do it yourself tutorials after the book,

    2. or do them as I read through the book.

    Which one would you suggest that I take or if you have another suggestion I would love to hear it.


    Currently I'm trying to design a website similar to say... amazon except without most of the cool features.

  7. I figured I might move to a bigger more responsive forum and just post my introduction from the last forum I signed up on:



    I'm Charlie from Braintree Massachusetts; I attend the University of Toronto as an Electrical and Computer Engineering Undergrad :D

    Hopefully I will be smart and hardworking enough that they don't kick me out


    I'm learning PHP and SQL right now so that I can help my family build a website to sell stuff. Inconsistent punctuation ftw!


    Hrmmm... I get distracted by computers easily. Unlike the guy above, don't invite me to a game of chess, I'll be reading strategies for 8 hours if you do T_T.

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