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  1. Why don't you try this? SELECT number, description, MOD( relationNumber , 100) AS relationCode, MOD(relationNumber / 100 , 100 ) as relationCodeExtra FROM erwin.relatiecode r; Not need to use CONCAT function in this case. http://dacloi.com
  2. Hello everybody, i have a problem need to help. In magento. I have 2 difference contact form. (2 html form, 2 email template) But i don't know how to change template to use which form (in controller) Example when i enter domain/contacts/index.php?form=1 => call to form 1 and you email template 1 to send mail /contacts/index.php?form=2 call to form 2 and you email template 2 to send mail. I've search all about this on magento forum but i've not had solution. Please help me. Thanks in advance
  3. Dear all, I'm newbie on magento. I have a problem, need your help. How to remove clearly a module in magento? I found in database, there was only one table named core_config_data store which module enabled or disable. Help me please. Thanks P/S : sorry for my english is not good.
  4. I think in this case. The best way is change your database structure. You have to add a field named real_phone. When insert a record you have to remove all character from phone number and insert this value to real_phone field. When searching. You have to handle the data to search only contain number and compare with real_phone field Good luck.
  5. I think in this case you have to use "Full text search". That's sure. You can search this technique on google. Remember that your database engine must be InnoDB to support full text search. You also have change database structure..... Good luck.
  6. It's up to which distro you are using. In most of linux OS, normal that is /var/www. But if you are using lampp(package include Apache + PHP + MySQL) it is /opt/lampp/htdocs You can set default document root by modify httpd.conf file. Find line contain "DocumentRoot" and change path to new document root.
  7. Here it is. It was written in VietNamese. You can use google translation to translate into your language. Included list page, insert, edit, delete page. http://forum.dacloi.com/php-cms-framework/huong-dan-su-dung-lam-web-voi-cakephp/
  8. In your form_send.php file. After do something (get parameters....) ex : If ($_SERVER['REQUEST_MEHOD'] == 'POST') { // do something header('Location: your_page_which_you_want_to_redirect'); exit(); } http://dacloi.com
  9. Sure. You can set the variable in your sql query like this : $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tablename};"; http://dacloi.com
  10. Remove : like this set @rank = @rank + 1
  11. Use rawurlencode to slove this problem. Here : http://php.net/manual/en/function.rawurlencode.php mrqpro
  12. mrqpro

    Array check

    You can use in_array function http://php.net/manual/en/function.in-array.php Ex: $times = array(1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7); if (!in_array(4, $times)) { // do something }
  13. Edit your query like this mysql_query("UPDATE Users SET Credit = Credit '$way' Something = '$ammount' WHERE Username = '$username'") or die(mysql_error()); Something is another field. And in the update command, there doesn't have LIMIT condition.
  14. Hi all. Have anyonce use symfony or zend framework? As usual, the Root directory is localhost/your_project but in symfony and zend the root directory is localhost/your_project/public At local, I can use virtualhost to set root directory is "public" directory but on the real host I don't have permission to do this. So how to slove this problem? Use htaccess? But how? Don't suggest to use htaccess to redirec to "public" directory. This way is not good. All the path to images, css, js file will be lost. Help me please. Thanks.
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