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Everything posted by borlandology

  1. This is more complete: but if is not @ end it @ the begining of code !? $result_right_sec = mysql_query( "SELECT `id`, `name`, `icon` FROM sec ORDER BY id ASC" ); do { if ( $r = mysql_fetch_array( $result_right_sec ) ) { $sec_name = $r['name']; $sec_id = $r['id']; $sec_icon = $r['icon']; $right_cat = "{$right_cat}"." <tr>\n\t<td height='20' width='130' valign='middle' align='right' dir='rtl'><a href=\"".( "javascript:ajaxpage('sec.view.php?id=".$sec_id."', 'main1');" )."\"".( "><b>".$sec_name."</b></a></td>\n\t<td height='20' width='24' valign='middle' align='center'><img border='0' src='{$sec_icon}' width='16' height='16'></td>\n\t</tr>" ); $result_right_cat = mysql_query( "SELECT `id`, `name`, `sec` FROM cat WHERE sec='".$sec_id."' ORDER BY id ASC" ); do { } while ( !( $rr = mysql_fetch_array( $result_right_cat ) ) ); $cat_name = $rr['name']; $cat_id = $rr['id']; $right_cat = "{$right_cat}"." <tr>\n\t\t\t<td height='20' width='130' valign='middle' align='right' dir='rtl'><a href=\"".( "javascript:ajaxpage('cat.view.php?id=".$cat_id."', 'main1');" )."\"".( ">".$cat_name. "</a></td>\n\t\t\t<td height='20' width='24' valign='middle' align='center'><img border='0' src='images/switchon.gif' width='12' height='12'></td>\n\t\t\t</tr>" ); } while ( 1 ); }
  2. Would u plz guide me more? how to solve it then?
  3. Hi It's the code but when i browse the file it says: parse error, expecting `T_WHILE' in C:\xampp\htdocs\class\nav.php on line 78 where is my fault? ---------------------------------------------------- do { if ( $r = mysql_fetch_array( $result_right_sec ) ) { $sec_name = $r['name']; $sec_id = $r['id']; $sec_icon = $r['icon']; $right_cat = "{$right_cat}"." <tr>\n\t<td height='20' width='130' valign='middle' align='right' dir='rtl'><a href=\"".( "javascript:ajaxpage('sec.view.php?id=".$sec_id."', 'main1');" )."\"".( "><b>".$sec_name."</b></a></td>\n\t<td height='20' width='24' valign='middle' align='center'><img border='0' src='{$sec_icon}' width='16' height='16'></td>\n\t</tr>" ); $result_right_cat = mysql_query( "SELECT `id`, `name`, `sec` FROM cat WHERE sec='".$sec_id."' ORDER BY id ASC" ); do { } while ( !( $rr = mysql_fetch_array( $result_right_cat ) ) ); $cat_name = $rr['name']; $cat_id = $rr['id']; $right_cat = "{$right_cat}"." <tr>\n\t\t\t<td height='20' width='130' valign='middle' align='right' dir='rtl'><a href=\"".( "javascript:ajaxpage('cat.view.php?id=".$cat_id."', 'main1');" )."\"".( ">".$cat_name. "</a></td>\n\t\t\t<td height='20' width='24' valign='middle' align='center'><img border='0' src='images/switchon.gif' width='12' height='12'></td>\n\t\t\t</tr>" ); } while ( 1 ); }
  4. Hi I'm using a script and when i want to upload a picture is says: Warning: move_uploaded_file(/home/tomani/public_html/film/small/usa.png) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\300tomani\admin\move.php on line 207 Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move 'C:\xampp\tmp\phpDB46.tmp' to '/home/tomani/public_html/film/small/usa.png' in C:\xampp\htdocs\300tomani\admin\move.php on line 207 the code is: move_uploaded_file($_FILES['F1']['tmp_name'], "/home/tomani/public_html/film/small/".$_FILES['F1']['name']); The "/home/tomani/public_html/film/small/" path does not exist because it is predefined. so i want to change it to work either on localhost (myPC) and on server (hosting), how? Thank you
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