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Ahmed Nasr

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  1. Hello, I'm just new here, I was searching for any good documentation for imap functions, but I couldn't find any. any how, I need a help for this case: I have a website where members can publish contents via email, they are sending a message with html body and embeded imgs in, but in case these imgs are having cid numbers, instead of urls, they can't be visible. I tried a simple prototype to resolve this, by using some functions of www.squirrelmail.org, but I couldn't make them work. do you have a way to solve? now this is the code I have: <? $ServerName = "{www.redcherry.com.sa:143/notls}"; // For a IMAP connection (PORT 143) $UserName = "user"; $PassWord = "pass"; $mbox = imap_open($ServerName, $UserName,$PassWord) or die("Could not open Mailbox - try again later!"); if ($hdr = imap_check($mbox)) { echo "Num Messages " . $hdr->Nmsgs ."\n\n<br><br>"; $msgCount = $hdr->Nmsgs; } else { echo "failed"; } if (!$_GET['n']){ $MN=$msgCount; $overview=imap_fetch_overview($mbox,"1:$MN",0); $size=sizeof($overview); echo "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"582\">"; for($i=$size-1;$i>=0;$i--){ $val=$overview[$i]; $msg=$val->msgno; $from=$val->from; $date=$val->date; $subj=$val->subject; $seen=$val->seen; $from = ereg_replace("\"","",$from); // MAKE DANISH DATE DISPLAY list($dayName,$day,$month,$year,$time) = split(" ",$date); $time = substr($time,0,5); $date = $day ." ". $month ." ". $year . " ". $time; if ($bgColor == "#F0F0F0") { $bgColor = "#FFFFFF"; } else { $bgColor = "#F0F0F0"; } if (strlen($subj) > 60) { $subj = substr($subj,0,59) ."..."; } echo "<tr bgcolor=\"$bgColor\"><td colspan=\"2\">$from</td><td colspan=\"2\"><a href=\"?n=$msg\">$subj</a></td> <td class=\"tblContent\" colspan=\"2\">$date</td></tr>\n"; } echo "</table><p>"; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if ($_GET['n']){ //if message selected $msgno=$_GET['n']; // GET TEXT BODY $dataTxt = get_part($mbox, $msgno, "TEXT/PLAIN"); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $fetchedArray=imap_fetchstructure($mbox,$msgno); if ($fetchedArray->dparameters) $attr=$fetchedArray->dparameters; else $attr=$fetchedArray->parameters; //print_r($attr1); //echo "<br />second<br/>"; foreach ($attr as $attname=>$attvalue){ $cidhttp=sq_cid2http($attname, $msgno, $attvalue, $mbox); //////////////////////////////////////////////////sq_cid2http echo "<img src=\"$cidhttp\">"; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GET HTML BODY $dataHtml = get_part($mbox, $msgno, "TEXT/HTML"); if ($dataHtml != "") { $msgBody = $dataHtml; $mailformat = "html"; } else { $msgBody = ereg_replace("\n","<br>",$dataTxt); $mailformat = "text"; } // To out put the message body to the user simply print $msgBody like this. if ($mailformat == "text") { echo "<html><head><title>Messagebody</title></head><body bgcolor=\"white\">$msgBody</body></html>"; } else { echo $msgBody; // It contains all HTML HEADER tags so we don't have to make them. } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Attachments \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ $struct = imap_fetchstructure($mbox,$msgno); $contentParts = count($struct->parts); if ($contentParts >= 2) { for ($i=2;$i<=$contentParts;$i++) { $att[$i-2] = imap_bodystruct($mbox,$msgno,$i); } for ($k=0;$k<sizeof($att);$k++) { if ($att[$k]->parameters[0]->value == "us-ascii" || $att[$k]->parameters[0]->value == "US-ASCII") { if ($att[$k]->parameters[1]->value != "") { $selectBoxDisplay[$k] = $att[$k]->parameters[1]->value; } } elseif ($att[$k]->parameters[0]->value != "iso-8859-1" && $att[$k]->parameters[0]->value != "ISO-8859-1") { $selectBoxDisplay[$k] = $att[$k]->parameters[0]->value; } } } if (sizeof($selectBoxDisplay) > 0) { echo "<select name=\"attachments\" size=\"3\" class=\"tblContent\" style=\"width:170;\">"; for ($j=0;$j<sizeof($selectBoxDisplay);$j++) { echo "\n<option value=\"$j\">". $selectBoxDisplay[$j] ."</option>"; } echo "</select>"; } } //Message body page end imap_close($mbox); ?> <? function get_mime_type(&$structure) { $primary_mime_type = array("TEXT", "MULTIPART","MESSAGE", "APPLICATION", "AUDIO","IMAGE", "VIDEO", "OTHER"); if($structure->subtype) { return $primary_mime_type[(int) $structure->type] . '/' .$structure->subtype; } return "TEXT/PLAIN"; } function get_part($stream, $msg_number, $mime_type, $structure = false,$part_number = false) { if(!$structure) { $structure = imap_fetchstructure($stream, $msg_number); } if($structure) { if($mime_type == get_mime_type($structure)) { if(!$part_number) { $part_number = "1"; } $text = imap_fetchbody($stream, $msg_number, $part_number); if($structure->encoding == 3) { return imap_base64($text); } else if($structure->encoding == 4) { return imap_qprint($text); } else { return $text; } } if($structure->type == 1) /* multipart */ { while(list($index, $sub_structure) = each($structure->parts)) { if($part_number) { $prefix = $part_number . '.'; } $data = get_part($stream, $msg_number, $mime_type, $sub_structure,$prefix . ($index + 1)); if($data) { return $data; } } // END OF WHILE } // END OF MULTIPART } // END OF STRUTURE return false; } // END OF FUNCTION ///////////////////////////////////////// sq functions\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ function sq_cid2http($message, $id, $cidurl, $mailbox){ /** * Get rid of quotes. */ print_r($cidurl); $quotchar = substr($cidurl, 0, 1); if ($quotchar == '"' || $quotchar == "'"){ $cidurl = str_replace($quotchar, "", $cidurl); } else { $quotchar = ''; } $cidurl = substr(trim($cidurl), 4); $match_str = '/\{.*?\}\//'; $str_rep = ''; $cidurl = preg_replace($match_str, $str_rep, $cidurl); $linkurl = find_ent_id($cidurl, $message); /* in case of non-safe cid links $httpurl should be replaced by a sort of unsafe link image */ $httpurl = ''; /** * This is part of a fix for Outlook Express 6.x generating * cid URLs without creating content-id headers. These images are * not part of the multipart/related html mail. The html contains * <img src="cid:{some_id}/image_filename.ext"> references to * attached images with as goal to render them inline although * the attachment disposition property is not inline. */ if (empty($linkurl)) { if (preg_match('/{.*}\//', $cidurl)) { $cidurl = preg_replace('/{.*}\//','', $cidurl); if (!empty($cidurl)) { $linkurl = find_ent_id($cidurl, $message); } } } if (!empty($linkurl)) { $httpurl = $quotchar . "../" . 'src/download.php?absolute_dl=true&' . "passed_id=$id&mailbox=" . urlencode($mailbox) . '&ent_id=' . $linkurl . $quotchar; } else { /** * If we couldn't generate a proper img url, drop in a blank image * instead of sending back empty, otherwise it causes unusual behaviour */ $httpurl = $quotchar . "../" . 'images/blank.png' . $quotchar; } return $httpurl; } function find_ent_id($id, $message) { for ($i = 0, $ret = ''; $ret == '' && $i < count($message->entities); $i++) { if ($message->entities[$i]->header->type0 == 'multipart') { $ret = find_ent_id($id, $message->entities[$i]); } else { if (strcasecmp($message->entities[$i]->header->id, $id) == 0) { // if (sq_check_save_extension($message->entities[$i])) { return $message->entities[$i]->entity_id; // } } elseif (!empty($message->entities[$i]->header->parameters['name'])) { /** * This is part of a fix for Outlook Express 6.x generating * cid URLs without creating content-id headers * @@JA - 20050207 */ if (strcasecmp($message->entities[$i]->header->parameters['name'], $id) == 0) { return $message->entities[$i]->entity_id; } } } } return $ret; } ?>
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