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  1. I just have two places on my page where I want a drop down of a two sub options on mouseover but I don't know anything about css. I was thinking that maybe my situation is much less complex than the tutorial and I could do it with just a couple of lines or maybe it could be done with php some how...
  2. How hard would this be? I found this tutorial but it reads like greek to me: http://www.seoconsultants.com/css/menus/tutorial/
  3. an even more elegant solution. thanks Alex!
  4. Not quite but following your logic I got it. what i needed was <?php echo "/img/" . $pic[rand(0,1)]; ?> <?php echo "/img/" . $pic[rand(0,2)]; ?> gave me each picture sometimes and once in a while a blank. I figure 0,2 must be an array of 3 with values of 0, 1, 2... Thanks!
  5. halfway there. This time it appears to work half the time. Half the time it returns: <div id="main-image"><img src="/img/" height="240px" width="240px" alt="" /></div> and the other half <div id="main-image"><img src="/img/shot2.jpg" height="240px" width="240px" alt="" /></div> It seems like whenever it selects shot1.jpg from the random function it returns nothing....
  6. I guess I screwed something up. Can I call it like this or no? Do i have to cram that whole statement together as one into the spot where I want the image or did I just put a quote in the wrong place or something? <?php $pic = array( "shot1.jpg", "shot2.jpg", ); ?> </div> <div id="right-column"> <div id="main-image"><img src="<?php echo "/img/'.$pic[rand(1,2)].'" ?>" height="240px" width="240px" alt="" /></div> <div class="sidebar"> <ul id="menu"> My pics are stored in a subdir called img/ from the root. mydomain.com/img/ for example. Thanks.
  7. Awesome! Thanks again!
  8. Could I code something in php that would take a static image on my website and randomly rotate (whenever someone loads the page) among 3 or 4 or 5 different selections of image all of the same format, size, dimension, etc? If so how could I do that. Thanks.
  9. Great success! you guys are batting 1,000 today!
  10. works beautifully. Thanks so much!!!
  11. Great, thanks for your help. Now that the formating of the site is back to normal it's not so urgent but I would like to fix it if I can.
  12. My index.php is: <?php include "menu.inc.php"; function menu($_menu){ $str = ''; foreach($_menu as $url => $name){ $sel = ($_GET['page'] == $url ) ? ' id="selected" ' : ''; $str .= "<li ". $sel ."><a class='five' href=" . $url . " >" . $name . "</a></li>"; } echo $str; } $page = ( isset($_GET['pg']) ? $_GET['pg'] : ((isset($_GET['page']))? $_GET['page']:'home')); $file = basename($page).'.php'; $html_path = "php/"; if (file_exists($html_path.$file)) include $html_path.$file; ?> ANd my first guess was wildly wrong - doing that creates a nice blank white page for *everything*!
  13. This sounds good but where to put it? if (condition == failure) { header(); } else { display } Taking a stab... can I just do: if (file_exists($html_path.$file)) { include $html_path.$file; } else { include $html_path.404; } (Note: I created a file 404.php for this exercise) Where do I place this code? Just in index.php?
  14. Again I'm not seeing any difference in the way the site behaves when I use that line instead of the one that was there. I am also not finding the term 'selected' anywhere in the source.
  15. It does. Anybody know how to test?
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