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[email protected]

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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Here am having similar, can u help me out. below is my code <? // $i = 1; // echo "<tr style=\"height: 30px;\"><td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"border-bottom: 1px solid black;\">New Client</td><td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"border-bottom: 1px solid black;\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"".intval($i)."\" id=\"".intval($i)."\"></td></tr>"; // $i++; // print_r($data); for($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++) { // if ($i == 5) echo '<tr style="height: 80px;"><td valign="middle" align="left"><b><u>Campaign Setup:</u></b></td></tr>'; if ($i == count($arr) - echo '<tr style="height: 60px;"><td valign="bottom" align="left"><b><u>Completion:</u></b></td></tr>'; // if ($i == echo '<tr ><td style="height: 60px;" valign="bottom"><br>Check to see if the client already has listings at the following sites and if they don\'t, create them. Make sure all URLs link back to client\'s website:<br><br></td><td></td></tr>'; if ($i >=8 && $i <= 10) $borderSize = 0; else $borderSize = 1; $text = $arr[$i]; if ($text[0] == "@") { $text = substr($text, 1); if ($data["code"][intval($i)] == 1) { $checkedY = " checked "; $checkedN = "checked"; $script = $script."\nYesOrNo(Y".intval($i)."); "; } else { $checkedN = " checked "; $checkedY = "checked"; } $control = '<table border="0"> <tr> <td valign="bottom"> Yes <input type="checkbox" '.$checkedY.' name="'.intval($i).'" id="Y'.intval($i).'" value="1" onclick="YesOrNo(this);"> </td> <td style="min-width: 10px;"><div id="none"></div></td> <td valign="bottom"> No <input '.$checkedN.' type="checkbox" name="'.intval($i).'" id="N'.intval($i).'" value="0" onclick="YesOrNo(this);"> </td> </tr> </table>'; } else { $control = "<input onclick=\"checkCondition();\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"1\" name=\"".intval($i)."\" id=\"".intval($i)."\" "; //echo intval($data["code"][intval($i)]); if ($data["code"][intval($i)] == "1") $control=$control." checked "; $control = $control.">"; } echo "<tr id=\"tr_".intval($i)."\" style=\"height: 50px;\"><td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"border-bottom: ".$borderSize."px solid black;\">".$text."</td><td valign=\"bottom\" style=\"border-bottom: ".$borderSize."px solid black;\">$control</td></tr>"; } ?>
  2. the check have checked in them, when i checked them they will check, but if i return to the page to see if it checked the checkbox is always empty...
  3. Yes i checked the HTML and everything looks fine... what do u think could be the mistake.
  4. Anytime i check the checkbox on the page and i return to the page, the checkbox always is empty by not saving. I really need help on this guys. Thanks. [attachment deleted by admin]
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