I want to load some options in my menu from an other php file. Now i have
<li><a href=\"index.php?a=player/news\">Home</a></li>
But now i want to add this in the $general part
<? if($data->login == $admin || $data->admin == 1) { ?>
<div class="menu-item-left"><img src="images/arrow.jpg"><a href="index.php?a=admin/admin"><font color="#000000"><b>Administrator <img src="images/icons/accept.png" border="0"></b></font></a><img src="../seperator.jpg" class="sep"></div>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php } ?>
Some one know how i can do this?
And also i have the same problem at this part
(but this isnt working)
<li><a href=\"index.php?a=player/modernnews\">Home</a></li>
<li><a href=\"index.php?a=crimes/training\">Trainingen</a></li>
print <<<ENDHTML
// estimate the number of rows in a table | Select random player to attack
$lekerdezes = mysql_query("select * from `users`");
$max = mysql_num_rows($lekerdezes);
// pick one
$rand = rand(1,$max);
$lekerdezes2 = mysql_query("select * from `users` WHERE id='".$rand."'");
while($rand == $data->id){
$rand = rand(1,$max);
<li><a href=\"index.php?a=crimes/attack&x=<?echo$rand;?>\">Random attack</a></li>