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Everything posted by codingmasterRS

  1. Hi guys, I have this img class <img src="avatars/21.png" class="online" onMouseDown="if(event.button==2){alert('Initiate IM session');}" /> now what I need is to change toe onMouseDown event so that it has an additional IF, the additional IF needs to check if class="online" or their is no class. Cheers in advance, tried googling couldn't find what I was after. All help much appreciated,
  2. See the reason I wanted to do it this way is that when AJAX detects the user goes offline the jQuery uses removeClass from the id and when it detects goes online just addClass. So its simple and neat rather than adding and removing SPAN or DIV. But if anyone has any suggestions or ways of doing it better that work, please suggest....
  3. I wanted to avoid having to add a span etc, and just add a class to the <img>
  4. this is the CSS position: absolute; background: #00FF00; width: 7.5px; height: 7.5px; margin-top: 23px; z-index: 5;
  5. Hi Guys, I have images <img src="avatars/21.png" class="online" /> now class="online" SHOULD overlay a green box, but it is not currently, how can I fix this?
  6. sorry, anyway this is the code I have #test .online { width: 3.75px; height: 3.75px; overflow: hidden; z-index: 500; background: #00FF00; } <img src="image.png" class="online"> now I just need to know how to get this overlay working
  7. Hi Guys, last question (for now) I have images <img> and I want to make use of jQuery addClass so that a little green box appears on the bottom left corner, now I want CSS to generate the little green box and as I said I know how to use addClass however ..... I cannot get this class to overlay the image properly. Cheers in advance.
  8. ok I got this jQuery working, $("textarea").click(function () { $("#hideme").show("slow"); }); $("body").click(function () { $("#hideme").hide("slow"); }); apart from the fact it disappears straight after appearing
  9. I'd much rather use jQuery .... http://api.jquery.com/show/ and http://api.jquery.com/hide/ so if anyone can tell me how to do it with this
  10. Hi Guys, Basically I am after some JS or Jquery code that will allow me to do the following: I have a textarea which when click needs to trigger a div tag to be shown, then when a user clicks out of this textarea the div should disappear again. I have this code: <script> function dispChange(eid){ if(document.getElementById(eid).style.display=="none") { document.getElementById(eid).style.display="none"; } else { document.getElementById(eid).style.display="block"; } } </script> <body onClick="dispChange('hideme')"> <textarea onclick="dispChange('hideme')></textarea> <div id="hideme">HIDEME</div> Now it works (sort of), but when it is display:none; and the the user click in the body, the div appears, how do I stop this? Also it does NOT hide when I click into the body. Cheers in advance.
  11. Found it http://insanesecurity.info/blog/8-tips-for-a-secure-login-scriptadmin-panel
  12. Do you know any other good articles then? Anyone please feel free to recommend.
  13. More trying to find the article as well, seemed to be a good PHP security article.
  14. Hi guys, Just trying to find an article that showed a script for PHP code that stopped files from being included unless from an approved PHP file. Worked something like this: index.php define('APPROVEDFILE'); included.php if not from approvedfile then exit(); Any help much appreciated, cheers in advance.
  15. Its all done in PHP like tumblr of Facebook. So like tumblr the user would need to set the A record of the domain and then they would need to enter in (on my site) their domain and then it needs to (magically, how?) show their page....... So how does the PHP code work?
  16. How do I setup my PHP code and server to accept custom domains on my program like tumblr does? http://www.tumblr.com/docs/en/custom_domains I know the domain owner needs to do the A name part but what needs to be done my side? Cheers in advance
  17. Hi guys, I have a bunch of LI (in a UL) which I need to automatically space out over 900px, the li's are currently set to display:inline. If anyone can help me do this auto spacing etc it would be much appreciated, Default fixed widths wont work because then the last li will be left aligned and not right, so it needs to be pushed far right. Basically I need an "space horizontal" ability (like Photoshop for layers etc). Cheers in advance.
  18. And this one $pos = stripos($template, '<!--'); $str = substr($template, $pos); $str2 = substr($str, strlen('<!--')); $pos2 = stripos($str2, '-->'); $str3 = substr($str2, 0, $pos2); $unit = trim($str3); return $unit; Does not get an array of them, only gets the first one.
  19. Hi guys I need to be able to extract (into an array) the content between two tags "<!--" and "-->" in a string ($string). I have $string = "<!--HELLO WORLD-->"; $tags = "/<!--(.*?)--!>/"; preg_match($tags, $string, $matches); return $matches[1]; but it does not seem to work, (no error code, nothing). Any help much appreciated,
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