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Posts posted by microbert

  1. Hi,


    I am trying to make a page where the footer is loaded according to the screen size, so if someone is accessing the website via a tablet will be a footer, if it is from the computer, there will be another footer.


    my problem is that although it is recognizing the windows width, it is not changing the footer accordingly.


    this is my code:

    $width = "<script>document.write(window.innerWidth);</script>";
    if ($width < 900)

    for some reason it is always loading the else footer even though the windows with changes.

    I added echo"$width" ; and the result of the variable was fine.



    does anyone know what the problem is cause it is driving me crazy?


  2. Hi,


    I am trying to make an autocomplete search bar - so for example if  want to search for "Sony D3256 Camera" and I type "Sony camera" in the search bar, it still suggest the "Sony D3256 Camera".


    The ones that I found on blogs and forums are the ones that shows the suggestion until you break the sequence of the name.


    I am using PHP and MySQL


    Is this possible, or cannot be done?

  3. This is my code for the form:

    <form action="sqlquery.php" method="GET">
       <textarea name="SQLquery" rows="20" cols="40"></textarea>
          <br />
          <input type="submit" name="SQLexecute" value="Execute Query" style="height: 30px; width: 350px; font-size: 16px" />

    and this is the submit form:

            mysql_connect("server", "username", "password") or die("Error connecting to database: ".mysql_error());
        <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpading="0" valign="top" border="0">
                        $query = $_GET['SQLquery'];
                        if($query == "")
                                <table align='center' border='1' width='1000px' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><tr>
                                	<td align='center' width='150px'>
                                		<font size='+2'>Opps! You forgot to enter query.</font>
                                <table bgcolor='#FFF' align='center' border='1' width='1000px' cellspacing='0' cellpading='0'>
                                        <td align='center' width='150px'><b>Picture</b></td>
                                        <td align='center' width='530px'><b>Description</b></td>
                                        <td align='center' width='170px'><b>Stock</b></td>
                                    $sql = mysql_query("$query");
    								while($data = mysql_fetch_array($sql))
    		                            $scode = $data['code'];
    		    						$sname = $data['name'];
    		    						$sqty = $data['qty'];
    		    						$sDateModified = $data['DateModified'];
    		    						$sDateCreated = $data['DateCreated'];
  4. Hi,


    you all know that from phpmyadmin you can run an SQL Query for example "select * from table where code like '0011'"




    now my question is can I add a query box like this directly into my website, so I can run a query without login into phpmyadmin?


    your help is very appreciated since I cannot make this happen.


  5. Hi,

    I am trying to build a search page that searches MySQL database. I managed to do the search, but I have a small problem when giving the query.


    If for example I am searching for "how to make a search" and I type "make a search" - it works fine but if It type "how to search" it doesn't work.

    can someone help me out since I am loosing my mind on this.

    my sql command is:

    $SQL = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM stocks WHERE `name` LIKE '%$keywords%' order by code");

    help is very appreciated


  6. $pieces is the data from the mysql field. this field it is has the item codes of the related items and they are seperated with a ";"

    in the one that I am testing it have 8 items.


    for example in the mysql filed it is as "code01;code02;code03;code04;code05;code06;code07;code08"

  7. Sorry about that.


    This is the result:


    Rows returned: 1

    Rows returned: 1

    Rows returned: 1

    Rows returned: 1

    Rows returned: 1

    Rows returned: 1

    Rows returned: 1

    Rows returned: 1

    Rows returned: 0


    there is a picture also attached


  8. I thought so that the problem is somewhere there but could not find the problem.


    About the code I know that it is a nightmare but it was not written by me and I am not that good in coding php, so it is taking me a lot of time to figure what to change and how to change it.

  9. Hi,


    I am still trying to solve this problem, so if there are someone out there that have an idea of how can I solve it, please let me know i really need this.


    this is my latest version of the code:

    // define the number of columns per row
    $cols = 5;
    // start the counter
    $counter = 0;										
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($retd)) 
    $code = $row["code"];
    $name = $row["name"];
    if ($counter % $cols == 0)
    	if ($counter > 0) 
    		echo '</tr>';
    	echo '<tr>';
    echo("<td width=150 align=center>");
    	echo ("<a href=../products/info.php?scode=$code><img src=pictures/$code.gif border=0 alt=Item $name</a>");
    	echo ("<br><a href=../products/info.php?scode=$code><span class=fs13>$name</span></a>");
    //increment the counter


    This is a link to the problem that I have:

    The related items need to be 5 in every line.


    thanks in advance for your help.

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