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Posts posted by Username:

  1. Didn't edit in time, my apologies.


    My current structure looks like this:


    thread ->

    ---name var(32)

    ---subject var(128)

    ---email var(128)

    ---message longtext(2000)

    ---last int(11)

    ---password varchar(128)

    ---id int(11) <- this is what I need to auto-increment


    reply ->

    ---name var(32)

    ---subject var(128)

    ---email var(128)

    ---message longtext(2000)

    ---password varchar(128)

    ---id int(11) <- this is what I need to auto-increment


    I need "id" to be unique over both tables (reply & thread) and consecutive (in thread you'll see 11, and in reply you'll see 12, assuming they were both posted consecutively after eachother)

  2. You don't need to wrap the code within a document ready event if it's within the body -- in-fact if it's within the body it makes more sense not to wrap it within the event. The problem is the position, you're trying to bind the event before you've actually defined the element. Move the JS just after and it would work.


    Well, it's gonna be a rather large code, so it has to be in a seperate file now anyway haha.




    It works alright I guess. It's really slow after about "Hello PHPFrea"

  3. <script>
    <canvas class="canvas" id="canvas" width="500" height="300" style="border: solid 1px"></canvas>


    I'm almost positive there's nothing wrong :(

    This is killing meeeeee, please help :(

  4. This isn't foolproof... considering


    s+h+i+t could be typed as sh1t, shït, etc.

    I could even write a phrase like 'Everyone of this skin color is useless and a detriment to society' which are, to some, worse than a single offensive word, and no filter would have an issue.


    Theory aside, you could apply a one-or-more quantifier to each word to detect things like




    will match poop as well as ppoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooppppppp


    If you don't want bad false positives, you either need to create a white list, or check for word boundaries.


    will match ass, but it will also match assignment.



    will make sure there's a work boundary at the start and end of the word, so things like assignment won't be matched.


    This is an issue when embedding bad words within a string though. Things like unfuckingbelievable won't get filtered by



    Now, it seems you somewhat understand what I'm talking about. The only issue I see with your code, is the 'empty' OR clause should be LAST instead of FIRST, otherwise it will ALWAYS be matched, and none of the other options will be checked. That, and you should have a quantifier on your last letter as well.




    Though honestly, I don't see why you'd want to filter the suffix as well. This will match 'fuck' as well


    I don't believe in censorship myself, but the script I'm making it for, the user wants a censor!

    I am aware that filters could easily be bypassed, but simply allowing only alphanumeric letters should do the trick, right? The users should theoretically be English only.


    I have tried using the one-or-more blabbity blah, but this allows anyone to simply write "f.uck"

  5. I'm currently making some regular expressions for a word filter


    Now, if the user enters for example:


    It would censor to



    and if he enters


    it would censor to



    Now, if the user enters:

    f * * k

    it won't censor.


    My current code (I apologize for the swearing, I just wanted you to see what I see):


    	public static function wordFilter($text)
        $filter_terms = array('s+h+i+t(|ting|er|e|ing|s)\b','f+u+c+k(|ing|ed|s|er)','a+s+s(|hole)\b','c+u+n+t', 'p+u+s+s+y', 'n+i+g+g+e+r', 'f+a+g(|got)');
        $filtered_text = $text;
        foreach($filter_terms as $word)
            $match_count = preg_match_all('/' . $word . '/i', $text, $matches);
            for($i = 0; $i < $match_count; $i++)
                    $bwstr = trim($matches[0][$i]);
                    $filtered_text = preg_replace('/' . $bwstr . '/', str_repeat("*", strlen($bwstr)), $filtered_text);
        return $filtered_text;


    A) Yes I am aware that is not a good way to filter words

    B) Could someone point me in the better direction?



    Thanks in advance :) If you need anymore details just ask.

  6. function insertDATA($postData) {		
    $sql = " INSERT INTO tbl SET
    		email = '".$postData['email']."',
    		name	= '".$postData['name']."',
    		phone	= '".$postData['phone']."'
                          echo "data submitted successfully!";//this line withing the form
    		$res = executeSql($sql);
    if($res) {
    echo "<img src='path/to/image.jpg'></img.";
    } else {


    I don't know if that will work, since you never told us how executeSql works, and you'll have to have the link for the image in the img tag.


  7. gives me


    HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.


    This code runs fine on my server.

    $title = "Home";
    $username = "user";
    if(file_exists("styles/top.php")) {
    } else {
    echo "styles/top.php is missing";
    if (isset($username) && strlen(trim($username)) >= 1) {
    echo "<br>Welcome $username!";
    echo "
    	<td width='244' valign='top'><br /> 
    	<form id='form1' name='form1' method='post' action='search_results.php' style='margin-left:20px;'> 
    	<input name='var' type='text' class='size12' id='var' style='width:124px; background-color: #A4D1FF;' /> 
    	<input name='button' type='submit' class='size11' id='button' value='Search' /> 
    	<br /> 
    	<div id='leftNav' style='margin-left:22px;'> 
    	<!-- Start tv -->       
    	<font color='#FFFFFF'><span class='size16'>TV</span></font></strong><br /> 
    	<a href='tv.php?c=tv&sc=cartoons'>Cartoons <font size='-3' color='#FFFFFF'></font></a><br /><a href='tv.php?c=tv&sc=news'>News <font size='-3' color='#FFFFFF'></font></a><br /><a href='tv.php?c=tv&sc=adventures'>Adventures <font size='-3' color='#FFFFFF'></font></a><br /><a href='tv.php?c=tv&sc=horror'>Horror<font size='-3' color='#FFFFFF'></font></a><br /><a href='tv.php?c=tv&sc=Drama'>Drama<font size='-3' color='#FFFFFF'></font></a><br><br />
    	<!-- End TV --> 
    	<!-- Start Videos -->       
    	<font color='#FFFFFF'><span class='size16'>Videos</span></font></strong><br /> 
    	<a href='videos.php?c=videoss&sc=children'>Children <font size='-3' color='#FFFFFF'></font></a><br /><a href='videos.php?c=videos&sc=music'>Music<font size='-3' color='#FFFFFF'></font></a><br /><a href='videos.php?c=videos&sc=comedy'>Comedy<font size='-3' color='#FFFFFF'></font></a><br /><a href='videos.php?c=videos&sc=youtubemovies'>Youtube Movies <font size='-3' color='#FFFFFF'></font></a><br /><a href='videos.php?c=videos&sc=sports'>Sports <font size='-3' color='#FFFFFF'></font></a><br /> <br>
    	<!-- End videos--> 
    	<!-- Start Movies -->       
    	<strong><font color='#FFFFFF'><span class='size16'>Movies</span></font></strong><br /> 
    	<a href='movies.php?c=movies&sc=comedy'>Comedy <font size='-3' color='#FFFFFF'></font></a><br />
    	<a href='movies.php?c=movies&sc=action'>Action <font size='-3' color='#FFFFFF'></font></a><br /><a href='movies.php?c=movies&sc=adventure'>Adventures <font size='-3' color='#FFFFFF'></font></a>
    	<a href='movies.php?c=movies&sc=horror'>horror <font size='-3' color='#FFFFFF'></font></a><br />
    	<a href='movies.php?c=movies&sc=drama'>Drama<font size='-3' color='#FFFFFF'></font></a><br /><br /> 
    	<br /> 
    	<!-- End Movies -->
    } else {
    	echo "<h2><font color='red'>You must be logged view this Part.</font></h2>";	
    if(file_exists("styles/bottom.php")) {
    } else {
    echo "styles/bottom.php is missing";


  8. :shrug: :shrug: :shrug: :shrug:

    Please help before this script drives me insane.

    It tries to download a skin from Minecraft.


    It works fine, except, if it returns an error code, (301, 302, 404), don't download, and using my image (char.png) as a replacement.

    I can get the error code, except, no matter how I compare it, it will a) still say it's 302 or b) not work at all.



    Here's my code:


    userskin.inc.php >

    if(!isset($_GET['width']) || strlen(trim($_GET['width'])) == 0 || !isset($_GET['height']) || strlen(trim($_GET['height'])) == 0) {
    $x = 16;
    $y = 16;
    } else {
    $x = $_GET['width'];
    $y = $_GET['height'];
    $refresh = true;
    $refresh = false;
    $debug = true;
    $debug = false;
    $http = curl_init("http://www.minecraft.net/skin/{$_GET['user']}.png");
    curl_setopt($http, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    $result = curl_exec($http);
    $http_status = curl_getinfo($http, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
    $resp = preg_match("/302/", $http_status, $match);
    $code = $match[0];
    if($code == 302) {
    mineuser::downloadSkin($_GET['user'], $_GET['path'], $code, $refresh);
    mineuser::getFace($_GET['user'].".png", $x, $y, $_GET['path'], $code, $debug);
    } else {
    mineuser::getFace("char.png", $x, $y, $_GET['path'], $code, $debug);


    class.mineuser.php >

    class mineuser {
    	public static function downloadSkin($user, $path = "", $resp, $new = false) {
    		if($resp !== 302) {
    		//Checks if $new is true, if it is, then delete $user.png and download a new one.
    		if($new == true) unlink("$path/$user.png");
    		//Checks if the users skin already exists (faster loading time)
    		if(!file_exists("$path/$user.png")) { 
    			$fh = fopen("$path/$user.png", "w"); 
    			$file = file("http://www.minecraft.net/skin/$user.png");
    			foreach($file as $char) //Since it's an array, we use a foreach loop and write each character individually
    				fwrite($fh, $char);
    			fclose($fh); //Close our file handler. 
    		} else {
    	} //End of function downloadSkin()
    	public static function getFace($user, $width, $height, $path, $resp, $debug = true) {
    		$im = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
    		if($debug == false) {
    		header("Content-type: image/png");
    		if($resp === 302) {
    			$image = imagecreatefrompng("$path/char.png");
    		} else {
    			$image = imagecreatefrompng("$path/$user");
    		imagecopyresampled($im, $image, 0, 0, 8, 8, $width, $height, 8, ;
    	} //End of function getFace()



    please help before i go insane  :-\


    Thanks in advance  :)


    I tried adding an alpha channel to my script, but it just made it appear worse. :(


    just read the rest of that script, I get it now :)

    $alpha = (imagecolorat($im,$x,$y) & 0x7F000000) >> 24;
                    if ($alpha > 3 && (
                            $alpha >=127-3 ||
                        imagesetpixel($im,$x,$y,$transparentColor); // <----------- that




    I added it, with no change. Did I do it wrong? :(

    function imgToAscii($img, $letter) {
    echo "
    <style type='text/css'>
    .ascii { 
    $ext = substr(strrchr($img, '.'), 1);
    if($ext == "jpg" || $ext == "jpeg") { 
    	$imgh	= imagecreatefromjpeg($img); 
    } elseif($ext == "png") { 
    	$imgh	= imagecreatefrompng($img);
    } elseif($ext == "gif") { 
    	$imgh	= imagecreatefromgif($img);
    } else { 
    	die("<font color='white'>Unknown file format!</font>"); 
    $trans = imagecolorallocate($imgh, 0xfe, 0x3, 0xf4 );
    $w	= imagesx($imgh);
    $h	= imagesy($imgh);
    for($y=0; $y<$h; $y++) {
           		for($x=0; $x<=$w; $x++){ 
    		$rgb = imagecolorat($imgh, $x, $y);
    		$r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
      			$g = ($rgb >> 8 ) & 0xFF;
      			$b = $rgb & 0xFF;
    		$alpha = (imagecolorat($imgh,$x,$y) & 0x7F000000) >> 24;
                    	if ($alpha > 3 && ($alpha >=127-3 || (rand(0,127))>=(127-$alpha))){
    		if($x == $w) { 
    			$art .= "<br>"; 
    		} else { 
    			$art .= "<span class='ascii' style='color: rgb($r, $g, $b);'>$letter</span>"; 
    return $art;	

  10. This is for you, not for me.


    Alpha levels are hard to translate into ASCII, sadly. I would almost create a box with the same color as the background, drop the PNG on top of it, and solve from there. Transparency is no longer an issue.


    Why is that? Transparency in fonts etc is supported natively by CSS.


    Could I just check for the color it sends out and tell it to put color: transparent; instead?


    Oh, and after I changed it to RGB(), transparency makes the image have a blue tint instead.


    And, transparency is this:

    color: rgb(0, 0, 251);

  11. You're making a font 1px that isn't meant to be 1px. Things will look ugly :(


    As for PNG, check what kind of values are returned when you use imagecolorat() on a transparent pixel.


    I dunno, lemme look.

    I adjusted some things (changed from using hex codes to raw RGB format color: rgb($r, $g, $b)) and now not ALL images are green, just some images (like the Google logo) have discoloration on it's text.


    It actually looks almost perfect if I set the font to 1px, any higher looks stretched etc. I'm using @ signs so it's able to be round, not just square, the picture just looks a little blurry after.


    Do you want decimal values or hex values?



  12. I made a small project last night that converts an image into text (with color etc). When the image is transparent, it spits out something like this.




    sometimes images look like this, even without a transparent background:





    Can you help me? :)


    Here's my code


    function imgToAscii($img) {
    $ext = substr(strrchr($img, '.'), 1);
    if($ext == "jpg" || $ext == "jpeg") { 
    	$imgh	= imagecreatefromjpeg($img); 
    } elseif($ext == "png") { 
    	$imgh	= imagecreatefrompng($img);
    } elseif($ext == "gif") { 
    	$imgh	= imagecreatefromgif($img);
    } else { 
    	die("<font color='white'>Unknown file format!</font>"); 
    $w	= imagesx($imgh);
    $h	= imagesy($imgh);
    for($y=0; $y<$h; $y++) {
           		for($x=0; $x<=$w; $x++){ 
    		$rgb = imagecolorat($imgh, $x, $y);
    		$r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
    		$g = ($rgb >>  & 0xFF;
    		$b = $rgb & 0xFF;
    		$hex = "#".dechex($r).dechex($g).dechex($b);
    		if($x == $w) { 
    			$art .= "<br>"; 
    		} else { 
    			$art .= "<font style='font-size:1px;line-height:1;letter-spacing:-1px;size:1px;font:fixedsys;' color='".$hex."'>@</font>"; 
    return $art;	


    I tried adding an alpha value, but it made regular images worse and no change on transparent ones.

  13. Mod lock or delete this thread please? :)

    I've discontinued the project.


    And the site getting blocked for suspicious ads or whatever are from my host, not me.


    Complain to ULMB with a picture of the ad if you like.


    I've switched hosts to 000webhost anyway.

  14. try using foreach(fgets($fp, 128) as $data)

    if you get the same result then the problem must come from the code calling your ircConnect()


    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\wamp\www\phpIRC\common\functions\func.php on line 19


    I replaced flush() with sleep(2) and it loaded faster, but about 3 lines of it was cut off




    Meant to edit, could someone merge these [This one and the last one] posts please?

  15. The following code does what I want it to, but after it's done doing it, it won't stop loading.

    I believe it is because of the while loops (while(1) { ... } and while($data = ...) { ... }). I need while($data = ...) to read the data from the fsockopen.


    Thanks in advance :)

    function ircConnect($server, $port, $channel, $nick, $pass, $name, $msg) {
    	set_time_limit(15); //If we put set_time_limit(0), the page won't timeout and never stops loading (The script works, that I'm aware of)
    	$fp = fsockopen($server, $port);
    	if(!$fp) die($php_errormsg);
    	if(empty($php_errormsg)) { $error = "None!"; } else { $error = $php_errormsg; }
    	echo "<table border='1' bordercolor='#FFCC00' style='background-color:#FFFFCC' width='400' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='3'>";
    	echo "<tr><td>Server</td><td>Port</td><td>Channel</td><td>Nick</td><td>Password</td><td>Error</td></tr>";
    	echo "<tr><td>$server</td><td>$port</td><td>$channel</td><td>$nick</td><td>$pass</td><td>$error</td></tr>";
    	echo "</table>";
    	fputs($fp, "USER aBot testchan.org TestchanIRCBot :TheBot\n");
    	fputs($fp, "PASS $pass\n");
    	fputs($fp, "NICK $nick\n");
    	fputs($fp, "JOIN $channel\n");
    	fputs($fp, "PRIVMSG $channel :$msg, my name is $nick!\n");
    	while($data = fgets($fp, 128)) {
    		$ex = explode(' ', $data);
    		echo nl2br($data);
    		if($ex[0] == "PING") fputs($fp, "PONG " . $ex[1] ."\n");




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