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Posts posted by zehrila

  1. This  script was coded by someone, then i hired someone else to fix the url structure and change it to my liking. The guy tried to fix and achieved the url structure i wanted, but later at this stage i see some conflicts in url structure. I tried reaching the guy who wrote it, but he is no where to be found.


    okay so here it is.


    If you go to this page http://mobilephones.pk/cell-phone-themes/nokia-c6-themes.html and scroll down to bottom, and click on page 2, you will land on this page http://mobilephones.pk/cell-phone-themes/nokia-c6-themes-pg-2.php and no database error comes.


    But when you are on this page,w here mobile name is longer, such as http://mobilephones.pk/cell-phone-themes/nokia-5800-xpressmusic-themes.html and scroll down to bottom and click on page 2, it will show a database error. Amazingly, if if you remove the separator "-" between 5800 and xpressmusic, you will see page loads fine. These files are supposed to be pulled from mobile_themes.php which is echoed on top.


    Zanus on irc chat helped me a lot nailing down the issue, but he suggested to ask the solution on forum. His suggested its a conflict in .htaccess file line 91 and 92 which are


    91: RewriteRule cell-phone-themes/(.*)-(.*)-(.*)-themes-pg-(.*).php mobile_themes_cat.php?bid=$1&pid=$2&cat=$3&page=$4 [L]

    92: RewriteRule cell-phone-themes/(.*)-(.*)-(.*)-themes.php mobile_themes_cat.php?bid=$1&pid=$2&cat=$3 [L]


    When we scroll down and click on page 2 for urls with longer mobile names, it instead of hitting mobile_themes.php it tries to fetch data from mobile_tehems_cat.php which i believe is because there is conflict in .htaccess on line 91 and 92.


    I hope i made some sense, i will highly appreciate if you could find a solution to this.

  2. Just a suggestion and assuming you have control over the page creation in your cms.


    Create two files  meta.htm and meta_noindex.htm

    Put the relevant meta tag value into each

    If page content is blank then include meta_noindex.htm else include meta.htm


    Hope this is helpful?


    I don't have a control over page creation. When i add the product, these supplimental pages create on their own.


    What i want is, i want a code, which will first check if the page has content, or has been assigned a specific id, if there is no content or assigned to a specific series, then show NoIndex in meta tag.


    Someone please help me with that

  3. When i add a product page, it adds 5 other supplimental pages, now at times those pages have contnet to them, but in some products do not have the supplimental accessories to them, but my cms creates the additional pages any way.


    So, i was hoing to put a noindex tag on the supplimental pages which do not have content, so that search engines do not waste time on those pages and index them, which in future might turn out to be a enalty for shallow or no content.


    Is there any way to automatically put a Noindex tag to these supplimental pages, e.g if the supplimental page has no content, meta tell google to to noindex it.


    Please help

  4. I have commenting system in place, which works just fine, however, it works in a way that new comments goes at the end of page, i was wondering if i could place some code, which computers which comment is latest and then show it on top of older comments? in short, i want latest comments to show up first. Any help?

  5. That displays image size under image, it will work perfectly fine if i actually make the category lowercase in ftp and remove echo ucword string, but there are like 200 categories which i will have to lowercase manually. Let me paste the full code.


    while($grow = mysql_fetch_array($sqlwpslist)){	
    	$image_name = $grow['name'];
    	$filedir = '/home/pspspot/public_html/mobilephones.pk/mobilecontents/ss/'.$seriestitle.'/'.$cat.'/'.$image_name;
    	$img_bytes = ceil(filesize($filedir)/1024);
    	<li><a href="<?=$root_domain?>cell-phone-screensavers/<?php echo strtolower($brandname)?>-<?php echo strtolower($phonename)?>-<?php echo strtolower($cat)?>-mobile-screensavers-download-<?=$grow['id']?>.php">
    	<img style="border: 1px solid #232323" src="http://mobilephones.pk/mobilecontents/ss/<?=$seriestitle?>/<?php echo ucwords($cat)?>/thumb_<?=$grow['name']?>" alt="" width="100" height="100"></a>Size <?=$img_bytes;?> KB</li>
    No Screensaver Found For <?=$mobilename?>

  6. Wildteen88, thanks, that worked, page is now loading images from directory, but its causing another warning http://bit.ly/msOano . It is supposed to echo image file size, but showing errors there. Is it because its confused between directory path or what? following is the code.


    <li><a href="<?=$root_domain?>cell-phone-screensavers/<?php echo strtolower($brandname)?>-<?php echo strtolower($phonename)?>-<?php echo strtolower($cat)?>-mobile-screensavers-download-<?=$grow['id']?>.php">
    	<img style="border: 1px solid #232323" src="http://mobilephones.pk/mobilecontents/ss/<?=$seriestitle?>/<?php echo ucwords($cat)?>/thumb_<?=$grow['name']?>" alt="" width="100" height="100"></a>Size <?=$img_bytes;?> KB</li>
    No Screensaver Found For <?=$mobilename?>

  7. Hi Simon, the strtolower is casuing few issues, some are related to file path of images and actual files and some are relatedt o Meta Titles.

    I have used strtolower to lowercase my urls, this code is successfully making urls go lowercase, but for some reasons, its also casuing the image pathfile go lowercase, specifically the $cat. I want to keep my lowercase url structure, but i want my image path to be as it is, so that i dont have to go and rename 100s of categories lowercase. Following is the code.


    <li><a href="<?=$root_domain?>cell-phone-screensavers/<?php echo strtolower($brandname)?>-<?php echo strtolower($phonename)?>-<?php echo strtolower($cat)?>-mobile-screensavers-download-<?=$grow['id']?>.php">
    	<img style="border: 1px solid #232323" src="hxxp://domain.com/mobilecontents/ss/<?=$seriestitle?>/<?=$cat?>/thumb_<?=$grow['name']?>" alt="" width="100" height="100"></a>Size <?=$img_bytes;?> KB</li>


    This code, is successfully making urls go lower case, but its also causing the category path for images go lowercase, but in my ftp, the categories are like Adventure  with capital A, following is my url, scroll down to spot the error




    Script is trying to pull image file from




    but the actual path is




    How to address this issue? i have renamed directories to lowercase in some sections  but in Screensavers and Wallpaper, i have way too many categories to rename to lowercase.


    You have any words on it?





  8. Okay, by default my urls structure is in mixed case, e.g domain.com/Green-Blue-Widgets.html  and Google for some reasons is indexing two versions of my urls domain.com/Green-Blue-Widgets.html and domain.com/green-blue-widgets.html . Now i want to 301 redirect all urls to lowercase, but my internal navigation is all mixed case e.g the category page domain.com/Green has all the products listed in the page with mixed case.


    I know its bad programming, but i will really appreciate if any one can look into the matter for me and usggest a solution.

  9. Hello :)


    As the title says, how one can add wordpress posts into their main site index. For example, if your website's main index is on a different CMS than wordpress and you host a wordpress blog at a subdomain/folder level and also want the new posts to be shown at front page of your main index, which is not wordpress, what would you do? Any help shall be appreciated.



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