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  1. I'm not following what you mean? :-\ If you want a dynamic php page to output certain content based on a variable in the url, then the code above is part of the solution for doing that.
  2. <a href='page.php?id=$x'>Link</a>
  3. You might be interested in reading about the implode function.
  4. Please post what you have already.
  5. If you find the username in the database then it must be the password that's incorrect. It should be encrypted on the database but you can make a new one using a script you make yourself and then paste it in there. You'd need to be sure you're using the same encryption method as your CMS though. Easier to just use a "forgotten password" facility. Does your CMS not have one?
  6. This is the php section of the forum. Anyway, I highly doubt anyone is going to look through all that code and try to work out why it isn't working in IE. You'd be better using a different menu builder that will work in IE than try to fix this one so that it does. Faster me thinks.
  7. Am I correct in thinking that what you are trying to do is allow a user to define a secret code such that they can make - for example - A=M, N=E, D=H. where crypted "AND" would output "MEH", and decrypted "MEH" would output "AND"?
  8. Please put code into code brackets - it makes it easier to read! You can use a hidden field in your html form. Call it something like "tabletoupdate". You then pull the variable from this as you would any other post variable and add it to your sql.
  9. Try in your <div> <div style="min-height: 100%">
  10. Why not remove it and see if it makes your site run more quickly? If it does then you can be sure that it was the problem.
  11. It's not that difficult to achieve. I'm not sure about any third-party software for this purpose (there may be some). You would create a form and a php handler for the form to stick the data into the database. You could then create various templates to extract the information from the database and show it in various different ways. Getting the information on Facebook isn't hard either. All you need to do is create a script to make an RSS feed, and in your Facebook account you add the route to the feed on your website. Facebook then updates (I think every half hour). I've heard that Twitter is a bit more complicated, but one of the guys I work with has done one for Twitter too, so it's not too hard. Hope it helps.
  12. Try this: SELECT * FROM `events` WHERE (`Category` = "one" OR `Category` = "two" OR `Category` = "three") AND (`StartDate` BETWEEN "2011-06-30" AND "2011-07-05") ORDER BY `Category`
  13. Please use code or php tags around your code. The fancy colours of php tags is preferable.
  14. Just define $bmi at the top of your page: $bmi = ''; An undefined variable is a variable that you are trying to use but hasn't been given a value.
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