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Posts posted by Mido

  1. Hello!


    I want to make the users in the website able only to upload, for example, 1 GB, so that when a user finishes the 1 GB available for his files, he cannot upload more files.


    I know how to set up upload limit for a single file in the upload page, or even globally for anyone to upload. But I would like to know how to make each user has specific capacity, and how it is updated so that if he uploads 0.5 GB he has only 0.5 GB left.


    I thought of creating a column in the `users` or something concerning upload limit that I will set it (one GB for example). If I will do that, how will I be able to determine how much he uploaded?


    Any help would be appreciated.


    Thank you!



  2. How can I sort a string alphabetically? I thought about creating an array ('a'=>0, 'b'=>1) etc, but didn't manage to work. So how can I do this? is there a predefined function for this? or I should create the algorithm? Thanks,



    $word = 'cbad432'; // should become: '234abcd'

  3. Hello


    It's about exception handling...


    I have two if statements, one inside the other. And I want to throw an exception from each, if one of them is FALSE. What "technique" should I use? I think throwing same exception with the same message within two if's is a bit messy.



    if $x is true

      //go to 2nd if:

      if $y is true

        return value

      if $y is false: throw exception "Invalid number"

    if $x is false: throw exception "Invalid number"



  4. Hello, I'm a beginner in regex. Basically, what I want is to match a specified number of integers in a string. Like, :

    $str="123-456-789" // phone number... 

    I want to check, via preg_match(), whether the string contains [7-15] digits. So, 123-456-789-321-654 would be valid; they contain 20 characters, but only 15 digits, so it's within the interval range.


    I thought about validating the string then stripping out the hyphens/spaces then count the final filtered version of the string. But I'd rather do them all in one regex pattern. Is there a way to do that?


    If it wasn't clear enough, please tell which part wasn't. Thanks.

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