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  1. OK thanks I will try that and see what I get I'm still not really understanding css and usually just save my design page and put everything in the HTML code however it seems php don't allow me to do that when they dynamic page will clear the page and say just record added So I am having to experiment with the css now
  2. that may be my problem all together where would I add that too in the php code. I am assuming it would go at the very top.
  3. OK, i tried this and it displayed record was added but when I go to look for it in myphpadmin it is not adding the fields at all to the database
  4. If i am right all that will do is again show on a blank page event added (with no formating/links) and if not added will take them back to the page to resubmit the information. If i read all the code correctly. However my problem it isn't showing the (for lack of a better name for the html and css portions of my site) template only a blank page with just event added which isn't adequate for what I have in mind. I do appreciate your looking at it though
  5. I'm going to post the code that I am currently using and then explain what I'm trying to do. I hope I can explain it well enough. <?php if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) { echo'<leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bottommargin="0"> <center><form name="fairlistlist" method="POST" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'"> <TABLE width="450" height="119" border=0 cellPadding=3 cellSpacing=2 bgcolor="#fff568"> <TBODY> <TR> <TD class=mainText width="100"><b>Event Name</b></TD> <TD width="305" class=frmInput> <INPUT class=mainFormBox style="WIDTH: 320px" type="text" name=" fairname"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class=mainText width="100"><B>Event Address</B></TD> <TD class=frmInput> <INPUT name="fairadd" type="text" class=mainFormBox id="fairadd" style="WIDTH: 320px"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class=mainText width="100"><b>Event City</b></TD> <TD class=frmInput> <INPUT name="faircity" type="text" class=mainFormBox id="faircity" style="WIDTH: 320px"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class=mainText width="100"><b>Event County</b></TD> <TD class=frmInput> <INPUT name="faircty" type="text" class=mainFormBox id="faircty" style="WIDTH: 320px"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class=mainText width="100"><b>Event State</b></TD> <TD class=frmInput> <INPUT name="fairstate" type="text" class=mainFormBox id="fairstate" style="WIDTH: 320px"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class=mainText width="100"><b>Event Country</b></TD> <TD class=frmInput> <INPUT name="fairctry" type="text" class=mainFormBox id="fairctry" style="WIDTH: 320px"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class=mainText width="100"><b>Event Opening Date</b></TD> <TD class=frmInput> <INPUT name="fairopen" type="text" class=mainFormBox id="fairopen" style="WIDTH: 320px"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class=mainText width="100"><b>Event Closing Date</b></TD> <TD class=frmInput> <INPUT name="fairclose" type="text" class=mainFormBox id="fairlose" style="WIDTH: 320px"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class=mainText width="100"><b>Event Contact Email</b></TD> <TD class=frmInput> <INPUT name="fairmail" type="text" class=mainFormBox id="fairmail" style="WIDTH: 320px"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class=mainText width="100"><b>Event Website</b></TD> <TD class=frmInput> <INPUT name="fairweb" type="text" class=mainFormBox id="fairweb" style="WIDTH: 320px"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class=frmDescription width="56"> </TD> <TD class=frmInput> <div align="right"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add my Event" /> </div></TD> </TR> </TBODY> </TABLE> </form></center> </body>'; //note that I added a new field called submit and it's hidden .. } else { /*I added addslashes() so it escape any special char in the form .. if you want to show your inserted record , you need to use stripslashes() to remove any slashes from the record .. this is only to avoid some security problems in the query ..*/ $fairname=trim(addslashes($_POST['fairname'])); $fairadd=trim(addslashes($_POST['fairadd'])); $faircity=trim(addslashes($_POST['faircity'])); $faircty=trim(addslashes($_POST['faircty'])); $fairstate=trim(addslashes($_POST['fairstate'])); $fairctry=trim(addslashes($_POST['fairctry'])); $fairopen=trim(addslashes($_POST['fairopen'])); $fairclose=trim(addslashes($_POST['fairclose'])); $fairmail=trim(addslashes($_POST['fairmail'])); $fairweb=trim(addslashes($_POST['fairweb'])); include("Connections/local.php"); $link = mysql_connect($hostname_local,$username_local, $password_local) or die("Could not connect"); mysql_select_db('fair123') or die("Could not select database"); $insert=mysql_query("INSERT INTO events (fairidnum, fairname, fairadd, faircity, faircty, fairstate, fairctry, fairopen, fairclose, fairmail, fairweb) VALUES('NULL', '$fairname', '$fairadd', '$faircity', '$faircty','$fairstate', '$fairctry','$fairopen', '$fairclose', '$fairmail', '$fairweb')")or die('couldn\'t Insert record into database :'.mysql_error()); header( 'Location: event_added.php' ) ; } ?> Especially look at the code part here $insert=mysql_query("INSERT INTO events (fairidnum, fairname, fairadd, faircity, faircty, fairstate, fairctry, fairopen, fairclose, fairmail, fairweb) VALUES('NULL', '$fairname', '$fairadd', '$faircity', '$faircty','$fairstate', '$fairctry','$fairopen', '$fairclose', '$fairmail', '$fairweb')")or die('couldn\'t Insert record into database :'.mysql_error()); header( 'Location: event_added.php' ) ; } ?> this is where I am having problems it was reading echo your record has been successfully added to the database What I want is for it to open up a new page with my menu and my css and all that good crap to a page where it will read the following Your information has been added to our database We have added Event name = "whatever the event's name was" Event address = "address:" so on and so on for all the fields in my form that was submitted to the database. with just using the echo command it always opened to just a blank page no formatting and no css as well as no all important links Can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong or where I can find a good guideline that Is easy to understand on how to do this? Thanks in advance Oh also I don't care if that page get's indexed by google or yahoo or not actually prefer it don't get indexed to be honest
  6. Hello to everyone. First off my name is Richard I'm almost ready to turn 45 years old I first started working with computers when I was kid going to the local Radio Shack store and playing on the old CoCo's 16k. God computers have come along way since then. I got away from computers programming not long after the 8088 PC's came out. A few years ago I started teaching myself HTML and am now starting to learn PHP and working on my first PHP website and I'm so confused it isn't funny seems like none of the tutorials I have found give explanations of what each part of the PHP statements do and if they do you have to look at 100 different pages to find the answer. I've traveled carnival circuits my entire life and have recently decided to retire from the carnival industry and am looking for my first "sucker job" as we in the carnival industry call the 9-5 type jobs where you go to work and punch a clock work however many hours punch the clock take a lunch break and ... Well I am sure you get the picture here that I am trying to paint for you about my life. I recently found out that California is one of three (3) states that don't require a college degree to become an attorney and I am currently besides trying to find a job trying to find an attorney in the San Diego area who has been practicing law here for five years or longer who might be willing to teach me what I need to know to become an attorney. Well that's about it. Nice meeting you all.
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