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Posts posted by rakdoll

  1. One more issue. I managed to convert this from json to array, but I am unable to echo any values from the array.


    Here is the array $messages:


    array(2) { ["messages"]=>  array(2) { [0]=>  array(4) { ["message_id"]=>  int(2314446) ["from"]=>  string(12) "358222222222" ["timestamp"]=>  int(1280703181) ["text"]=>  string(33) "This is a message" } [1]=>  array(4) { ["message_id"]=>  int(2315147) ["from"]=>  string(12) "358111111111" ["timestamp"]=>  int(1280755014) ["text"]=>  string(12) "This is another message" } } ["unread"]=>  int(0) } 


    How would I go about getting my page echo both the "text" values?


    echo $messages["text"];  wont do the trick.. :(


  2. That is a JSON formated response. In concept it is an array just formatted differently. Its mostly used through JavaScript (or at least by me it is, but I don't speak for everyone)


    I have not yet met a need where I need to handle my JSON queries through php but if I were to start I would start here most likely


    From what I understand of that php function is that it takes a JSON formated array and converts it to a php based array where if you can work with arrays that are php based then you will be all set to handle it how you want handled.


    Thank you Sir! :) Now I know how to proceed.

  3. Hi


    I need to know how to arrange this thing looking something like an array to be able to find values from it. The problem is, I don't really even know what I am dealing with here. Wonder if you could help me out. :)


    I have the following mess stored in a $messages variable:


    {"messages":[{"message_id":2314446,"from":"441234568790","timestamp":1280703181,"text":"first text"},{"message_id":2315147,"from":"123456789014","timestamp":1280755014,"text":"another text"}],"unread":0}


    and I don't know how to do the following:


    I need is to get only the message text from any message that matches my wanted phone number. For example: I want to get the text value from message which from is 123456789014.



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