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Posts posted by skyrank

  1. Thanks for your reply.  I apologize for not providing sufficient information.  Please find two files attached for your review:


    1)  index.php

    2) login.php


    Recall, I have deleted the command:  'include("login.php");' from the index.php file.  That command was written directly after the 'include("database.php");' command which is also in the index.php file.  Prior to deleting this command, a username and password screen appeared, and if correct subscribers' variables were inputted in the username and password, the user would be directed to index.php and data content from my MYSQL database appeared.  But, now, just the logo is appearing.  You can see how that webpage looks here: www.skyranksystem.com/DataRatings/index.php


    I hope this is more helpful.  And thank you so much for any assistance!!




    [attachment deleted by admin]

  2. Hello -

    I'm opening my website up to visitors for free, and trying to bypass a login screen to go straight into the data content that was appearing after a user logged in.  I have an index.php file that included the following code at the beginning:








    <?header("Cache-control: private"); ?>




    I deleted the "include("login.php"); line, and was successful at bypassing the username and login screen.  However, the page that is supposed to display the data content is incomplete.  In fact, it only displays my company's logo.


    Any ideas as to why the data content is not showing up? 


    Thank you for any help with this, as my php is quite novice at this point.


    Regards -




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