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  1. I put the code in a new php page, uploaded it and when i load it i just see a blank page. This is the code i put in: <?php $load = sys_getloadavg(); if ($load[0] > 80) { header('HTTP/1.1 503 Too busy, try again later'); die('Server too busy. Please try again later.'); } ?> What does the 80 stand for in this case? Percent cpu load or... ? What kind of tweaks do i have to make to get this to work, it looks like this script will automatically deny webpage access if the load becomes too high, just what i need!
  2. The bible is just paper yet half the world reads it, it's contents that matter not the presentation Thanks for the link.
  3. Thanks for the reply. How do i implement this sys_getloadavg(); just <?php sys_getloadavg(); ?> ? (i really don't know jack about PHP....)
  4. Any suggestions for a better one that has no issues with such (and higher) traffic are most welcome
  5. It looks like caching is the answer to my issues from what i read after googling it. Does anyone have a good noobie site/tutorial that will tell me how i can start implementing this? (i know 000.1% PHP, a buddy did all the coding and he won't be available til December... so i'm on my own :/)
  6. Monthly stats show i have between 50 and 60GB bandwidth use and between 6 and 7 million hits. While i have no clue how the bandwidth could be that high the hits are pretty much the same as they have always been. I will check logs, dig through my FTP and such to make sure everything is in order.
  7. JustHost Worst choice of my life..... Lots of downtime, horrific support and as i found out today..... no warning or heads up but a suspended account without clarifying or trying to suggest fixes. The fix they did offer was to move to a dedicated server (135 bucks a month), wish i had the money for that! lol
  8. Thank you I will look into this.
  9. Thank you for the reply I know they are being completely unprofessional about this and i don't know what i can do to make it better so that they will lift the block on my account... Is there a way to 'slip' php code or something to make it run smoother/faster/better ? (i know that's off topic). Anyway thanks
  10. Hi, My hosting disabled my account because my site used too many system resources (CPU). There is no way for me to know how much CPU my site is using since i am not a psychic or god so no clue how they expect me to monitor this or fix this (the site has been running just fine for 2 years with the same code). Is there any code that can tell me how much CPU my site is using on the server? Thanks in advance, Jay
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