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  1. Hello again, I'm attempting to build my first website and I'm a complete beginner. I have a question regarding file type restrictions when uploading to a database . I am currently using the MAMP program rather than an actual online server and the MySQL version is: MySQL 5.1.44. I want to have one column in a table for virtually any type of file a user would wish to load, .mov, .jpg, .doc, .pdf, etc. From the tutorials I've been reading it suggests for security reasons, you should add restrictions on what the user is allowed to upload. The idea is that they can actually upload anything they want. Is security really a threat by doing this? And what would the threat be? As I don't really know much about security. If so, should there be any types of files that I would be wise to restrict?, would it be wise for example to restrict uploads that are .php scripts as that is what I have written the website code in. It would change the whole concept of this aspect of my website if I were to only allow certain files so I would prefer to limit the users as little as possible. Sorry if this is a silly question, like I say I don't really know much about security. I've only gone as far as encrypting passwords as there won't be any sensitive data being stored.
  2. Hello, I'm attempting to build my first website and I'm a complete beginner. I have a question regarding MySQL. I am currently using the MAMP program rather than an actual online server and the MySQL version is: MySQL 5.1.44. In one database I will have various forms of media, .jpg, .mov, .pdf, etc. and I wish to export this database into an offline storage, DVD, hard drive, etc. The various export options I have are CodeGen, CSV, CSV for MS Excel, Microsoft Excel 2000, Microsoft Word 2000, LaTeX, Open Document Spreadsheet, Open Document Text, PDF, SQL, Texy! text, XML and YAML. I know what some of these are, and some others I have no clue. I want to store the database offline and then sometime in the distant future I'll want to read it again (i.e. 1 year, 10 years or even 100 years). Which of the above formats would preserve the movies and pictures best so they can be read again? EDIT: Sorry by preserve, I mean keep the data completely readable as some of the above formats seem to print the data as hexadecimal code and seem to cut out before they finish. I don't be preservable as in to remain uncorrupted for a long time. Sorry if this turns out to be a silly question, like I say I'm a complete beginner. Cheers for any time/help you can give me.
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