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Posts posted by jjmac

  1. I came across a comment on the PHP web site under documentation for mssql_connect today that addressed my specific problem exactly:


    If you have an application which requires MSSQL as interface (and not the new SQLSRV) you have to look for an alternative method. The old (now rightly unsupported) way from Microsoft does not work with PHP 5.3.

    After spending several days and nights with trying to connect

    here is an easy solution which worked great with all applicatins expecting mssql: FreeTDS for Windows. Here is a great how to with installer links on the Moodle site: http://docs.moodle.org/en/Installing_MSSQL_for_PHP


    Couple of hints:

    - Make sure you have set up a user with "SQL SERVER authentication" who has rights to connect.

    - Also make sure after you install and still have problems to run PHPinfo and check that you find the below:


    PHPINFO: mssql

    MSSQL Support enabled


    Library version  FreeTDS


    That works perfect for me on Windows 2003 with IIS6 and PHP 5.3 (non threadsafe, VC9).

    Hope this is helpful


    I followed the instructions on http://docs.moodle.org/en/Installing_MSSQL_for_PHP to install php_dblib.dll, copied one of my apps over to the new server and it ran exactly as expected with no change to the code.

  2. Thanks so much, very valuable information for me. I do a lot of web application development, but not much on the server and installation side of things so I really appreciate the information!


    WPI looks to be something I'll be very interested in, even if it doesn't have PHP 5.3. I have a question about WPI, do you know if they release updates? For instance at some point will I be able to update to 5.3 via WPI?

  3. I have many web applications I've written over the years currently on a Windows 2003 server running IIS6 and PHP4.


    Our SQL server is a Microsoft SQL server 2008.


    PHP4 came with mssql module, all I had to do back then was uncomment the mssql section of php.ini and it was good to go.


    The old server is still up and running and functioning, but I'm trying to set up a new server with PHP5 and move all of the web applications over to it.


    I'm a bit confused as to which version of PHP I should install, whether VC6 or VC9, thread safe or non-thread safe and whether I should install it as CGI or Fast-CGI module.


    I did eventually get PHP installed. However PHP5 does not come bundled with MS SQL.


    After some searching I found a Microsoft SQL driver for PHP. However the syntax is class based, and all of my old code is function based. I was able to get this to work with the database, however there is a LOT of code I would have to change in order to move the applications over.



    Is there a way to install PHP5 on IIS with a module that uses the old mssql functions (as opposed to the class based driver issued by Microsoft) to interact with MS SQL Server 2008 so that I can simply copy my applications over instead of having to rewrite all of the code that interacts with the database?


    - Wasn't sure if this should go in MS SQL or Installation forums, please move if necessary.

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