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Everything posted by stubarny1

  1. Hello, I have the following sql query which works: $query="SELECT * FROM submissions WHERE ((submission_employer_country = '$search_country') AND (submission_employer_department = '$search_department')) order by submission_timestamp desc limit 10"; one of the variables returned is the user's account number. I then want to find the corresponding username for each account number, by querying the "accounts" tables as follows (I've replaced "*" from the code above with all the field names in the "submissions" table): $query="SELECT submissions.submission_number, submissions.submission_employer_company, submissions.submission_employer_industry, submissions.submission_employer_town_or_postcode, submissions.submission_employer_country, submissions.submission_employer_department, submissions.submission_employer_department_hiring_situation_detailed, submissions.submission_employer_department_hiring_situation_summary, submissions.submission_employer_application_contact, submissions.submission_employer_latitude, submissions.submission_employer_longitude, submissions.submission_account_number, submissions.submission_timestamp, accounts.account_number FROM submissions WHERE ((submission_employer_country = '$search_country') AND (submission_employer_department = '$search_department')) INNER JOIN accounts ON submissions.submission_account_number=accounts.account_number ORDER BY submission_timestamp desc limit 10"; but the above code is failing. please could point me in the right direction?
  2. $variable = "Test string with (brackets)"; $str = preg_replace("/ \(.+/", "", $variable); echo $str; Hello all, I'm trying to remove the section " (brackets)" from $variable above. I don't understand why the regular expression in my preg_replace operation above didn't work. Please can someone help? Thanks, Stu
  3. Thanks AbraCadaver, another lesson learnt
  4. Hello, I'd like to reuse a piece of html code on several pages. If this was a php module I would use the require() function but I would like to be able to use raw html (to avoid having to put all the html code into php echo statements). Please could you tell me if this is possible? Many Thanks, Stu
  5. Hello, Please could someone tell me how to retrieve an incremental variable from MYSQL as soon as it is inserted? (i.e. before another variable can be inserted) Many thanks. Stu
  6. Hello everyone, I’m looking to increase my website’s sign up rate by splitting the rather long sign-up form into 3 short forms spread over 3 pages – the user would then fills out each form and progresses to the next (like the linkedin.com sign up process). Please could you tell me how I should store the variables as my users move from one form to the next, whilst avoiding any hacking vulnerabilities? – I thought of using session variables but someone told me to never store passwords in a session variable? (one of the form fields is for a user to fill in a password). Thanks for any help you can give! Stu
  7. Hello everyone, I have a webpage that needs to accept the old version of a list of records, the new version of a list of records and then output a list of records that are new or have been updated. The webpage has 2 text cells. The 1st text cell for the old set of records to be added. Example input: “ Company1 title Company 1 details Company 2 title Company 2 details Company3 title Company3 details “ The 2nd text cell has a text cell for the new set of records to be added. Example input: “ Company1 title Company 1 details (updated) Company 2 title Company 2 details Company3 title Company3 details Company4 title Company4 details ” On submission of the form the following output should be given (i.e. the updated record and the new record): “ Company1 title Company 1 details (updated) Company4 title Company4 details “ I’ve become stuck because I can’t split the form variables at ASCI line breaks into arrays. Please could someone point me in the right direction? (Google doesn’t appear to have anything so I’m wondering whether it’s even possible to split by ASCI line break?) Many thanks! Stu
  8. Hello everyone, I have a SWF banner advert showing at the top of www.pilotjobsnetwork.com for Oxford Aviation (if the non-SWF Rishworth Aviation banner is showing please refresh the page until the Oxford Aviation advert shows). But if you look at http://www.pilotjobsnetwork.com/jobs/NIKI_Luftfahrt_GmbH only the non-SWF Rishworth Aviation banner advert shows (when the SWF Oxford Aviation banner should be showing there is just a blank space). The following code is used on both pages to show the Oxford Aviation advert: (I've saved the "Oxford_Aviation_2010_October.swf" file to both the www.pilotjobsnetwork.com and www.pilotjobsnetwork.com/jobs directories but it still doesn’t work) I'd be really grateful if someone could point me in the right direction with this. Many thanks. Stu
  9. Hello everyone, I'm looking to turn this string: $string = "jhdfgsdf984w5yisrek903_START_OF_WEBPAGE_http://www.google.com_END_OF_WEBPAGE" into this string: $string = "http://www.google.com" before the phrase "_START_OF_WEBPAGE_" could be any types of symbol or character. I've been trying to use regular expressions but can't seem to get them to work. Many thanks for your help. Stu
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