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Everything posted by darkcarnival

  1. I too would like my account deleted. I haven't been on here since 2004 or so. I either figure out the issue on my own or use stack overflow. Thanks
  2. sweet! thanks a bunch Barand, this will save me a lot of time
  3. hi, for a script of mine i have language values in an array. the issue is I found that some things are the same as the other array values. now i have alot of of values in these arrays so going through every one is very tedious. so question is, is there a way to create a loop to check the array values? much thanks in advance.
  4. ok well i decided to test a few things out and what i found is odd. i made a similar download script that would check the file only and downloaded everything correctly. but if i grab all my data from a mysql table i got errors in the files that download :? now i did somewhat fix this by adding a header with a location command but if an image is in there, it'll load the image instead of downloading it. any idea why it wont download correctly if the data is from a mysql table?
  5. nope still get the random characters. now i did do a direct link to make sure it wasnt an error during the upload and that downloads just fine. I am going to try another file type and see if thats whats causing this.
  6. hi, im really stuck on this. im working on a download script for a program of mine and i can get the file to download correctly but when i try to open it i get a bunch of random characters. now if you need to know what type of file i was opening, it was a openoffice file(.odt) but i had the MIME type and such all ther so im still not sure why its doing this. here is the code im using, i hope #check if the file exists, if it doesn't, fire an error message and kill the script $dl_path = "uploads/".$attach_r['Filename']; if(!file_exists($dl_path)){ $error = $attach['nofile']; echo error($error, "error"); } #do some header work. header("Pragma: public"); // required header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Cache-Control: private",false); // some browsers require this #declares the type of file header("Content-Type: $attach_r[File_Type]"); #declares the file as an attachment header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".basename($dl_path)."\";" ); #the encoding of the transfer. header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); #the size of the file header("Content-Length: $attach_r[File_Size]"); #to prevent script from timing out. @set_time_limit(0); #download file. readfile("$dl_path"); the only items i didnt add in were the sql query and id check(if you wish to see that let me know). much thanks
  7. hello, this may be a javascript issue, but i thought i'd ask it here first to make sure. my problem is I want to have a pop-up open that a user can upload a file and then once the file is uploaded the pop-up closes and reloads the form to show the file that was upload. much to say i wish to attempt what vbulletin does when you attach a file. if anyone can help on this, it'd really help me out on this problem thanks.
  8. well after im done with dev 2, i plan to install a demo board. and as for the 3 second delay, no real reason, i can speed it up if you'd like, i just noticed a lot of site have like a 5 second delay i should have dev 2 ready soon, just need to add in a couple of features and fix a few bugs i noticed. I'm also working on a all css template, but i may use that theme for the final as i have some work ahead of me for that
  9. well the thing is, i wish to have the file size limit be determined by what the php.ini settings already have setup, is that a poor idea to do that?
  10. hi, i have a quick question with file uploading. i'm testing around with it and decided to see how php will handle the 2M limit set by my php.ini file for some reason whenever the file size is way over the 2M limit i get a notice error, but if its just a few megs off i get the normal error i set. i tried several file types and sizes to make sure it wasnt a code-related issue but if you still want some code i'm willing to post it o request. basically my question is, how can i make it it display the error message i have set instead of a notice error? thanks
  11. i didnt update the zip file, too many people have already downloaded it for me to change it now. the change will occur for dev 2, which i think I'll have ready by may or june or late april if i get going on it quickly. I may add a demo board later this week, i have a slow week coming ahead for me so i'll probably even start work dev 2 so you guys can test that out as well
  12. just curious: would adding a demo board make testing this easier? i know a few others have asked about that and im undecided on that, if you think i should, I will install a demo board for further testing so far i have fixed the undefined errors and i am working on optimizing the sql queries as well. if anyone have feature ideas I am open to it. so far the next build will contain: -attachment feature -user health feature -support for mysql 5 -expanded support for the group feature -minor tweaks to current code an idea in the past was to add a db driver feature to support multiple dbs but i dropped that since I'd need some additional help to make that worth pursuiting after.
  13. I noticed a few small errors that i posted on your demo site but otherwise it looks very good and looks promising i wish you luck on it
  14. i agree it needs alot more work. validating is a absolute must. remember users are in nature dumb and will do whatever they want. just because you wouldnt do something doesnt mean someone else wouldnt. phpbb and Microsoft patch up code because they didnt think a user would exploit something that could be exploited the color is off setting but thats just personal opinion.
  15. ok i will work on the undefined variable item. as to using *, i tried the method you spoke of, it can get very lagging if i use on something like the settings table as theres way too many things there to define, but your method also conflicts with a function i use, but i'll look into it. and I'll note the install item for the next release.
  16. hi, I created version 2 of my Bulletin Board program and I am looking for people to test it out. currently i have the plague of non-active users so im hoping posting my beta work here will bring some input to my new release. now the version 2 work can be found here: http://dev.elite-board.us I dont have a live demo running currently, though I may add one when its in the 2nd phase. I'm currently just looking for people to download it and report any bugs to me(theres a bug form on the acp) if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me thank you very much.
  17. yeah thats whats im looking for thanks a bunch.
  18. php is actually one of the easier languages on the net to learn, it has much more information and is easy to grasp after a while. if your not willing to learn,you may want to use a pre-made script, check out hotscripts.com for something like that.
  19. hi, for a program im working on i wish to make the IP checker feature a bit more advanced. what I'd like it to do is find the hostname or resolve the IP but i dont know how to do that. i appreciate your help.
  20. the idea is to convert when your drawing out the data from the db. this is the easiest way to do it and also allows you to do some necessary cleaning and so forth.
  21. heres a post i posted about in another forum: http://programmingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=15388 it really helped me
  22. hello, I am planning on improving the update checker i use for a program of mine. and i am stuck on which way to go with this. the current method im thinking of is using the file_get_contents function to check for md5 hash matching. the other method which i see phpbb does is with sockets. now I am curious on which way would be best? im also looking at this with security in mind so im hoping someone can shed some light on this as well. thanks
  23. hi, i a having a bit of trouble with a download manager tool of mine. the way IE works with the warning bar the captcha blocks the reload. so a solution i thought was to make a ie section if they cant download the files. now i only want IE users to see this to kill off abuse a bit but I dont know how to get get browser details from php or more on how to just the name of the browser and not the version part. now if someone has a better solution to my issue, please input, im open to other opinions thanks
  24. nevermind, i figured it out.
  25. ok so how'd i be able to modify file then?
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