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Everything posted by son.of.the.morning

  1. have you a full example so i can make head and tail of it, please. Sorry to be a pain.
  2. This sounds stupid, i know. I want to create a foreach loop that will display 3 records per row. For example when you go on play.com and you query something you get a tile view of items. Can anyone help me?
  3. When I scale the window it courses a horizontal scroll bar and created white space on the right hand side of the page. I cant seem to see were i have gone wrong here i have done this same structure a million times on other sites but this time round it playing up for me. This is the the site, if anyone can have a look at it and see if they can see whats going wrong. http://www.atkinsonworlddigital.com/test/
  4. I am a bit fed up of using dreamweaver at the moment beucase the cakephp (.ctp) files are not recognized. I need a really good php development envirorment that supports HTML5 CSS3 and javascript (inc. jquery libs). Any suggestions?
  5. I am having trouble having different layout for different actions from my controller <?php class ContactsController extends AppController { var $name = "Contacts"; var $layout = "default"; function index() { } function edit_contacts(){ $this->set('contacts', $this->Contact->find('all')); var $layout = "modal_box"; // i want this layout to have this action } } ?>
  6. Thanks man. I shall have a crack at it soon and let you know how i get on.
  7. I have a view file with a style sheet link inside it but when i view it in the browser it doesn't work. Anyone have any ideas?
  8. I am using cakephp to create a cms as i have properly said in numerous posts lol. I am totally new to MVC so it's quite a head fuck at the moment. I have followed a tutorial on how to create a blog using cakephp and from what i have so far i understand how to create a model for one table. In my cms i have multiple tables when i want to be able to interact with on a single page. I really don't no were to start with it at all so if anyone can give me a little help or a push in the right direction it would be much appreciated. Thanks
  9. Bang on the dot, what a idiot i am! Thanks boss!
  10. I am using cakephp to create a cms and i have used the html form helper method to create my form object to add a new news feed (Post). The code seems fine to me, however i still keep getting this error (unexpected T_DOUBLE_ARROW). Here is my code <?php echo $form=>create('Post',array('action'=>'add')); echo $form=>input('title'); echo $form=>input('body'); echo $form->end('Add post'); ?>
  11. I keep getting a page with no styles applied to them when i try and view it through the localhost and i cant seem to find anything online that can help me set it up properly. Any ideas?
  12. Thanks for you replies people, got more than enough help there!
  13. I want to build a CMS system using php cake. I want pages to be created dynamically rather than have a set of static pages calling data dynamically. Is this going to be a complex operation using php cake?
  14. can any one see anythin wrong with the syntax here i keep getting an error SELECT * FROM blog_posts ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $start, $per_page INTER JOIN table2 ON blog_posts.id=table2.id
  15. <?php if(isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = $_GET['id']; $a = "SELECT * FROM blog_posts WHERE id = $id"; $query = mysql_query($a) or die (mysql_error()); $return = mysql_fetch_array($query); } else { } ?> <select name="color" class="SelectColor"> <option id="red" value="red">red</option> <option id="blue" value="blue">blue</option> <option id="green" value="green">green</option> <option id="grey" value="grey">grey</option> </select>
  16. I need my select dropdown to show the relevant option. I am using a GET action to pass the id of an article to another page (edit article page) with this i am selecting that specific record and passing it's data into form object in order to be modified and updated. The only issue is my category list is a dropdown and i need it to display the relivent category for that specific record. hope that makes sence
  17. Wouldnt focus work better? <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $('input#btn').hide(); $('textarea[id="text"]').focus(function(){ if($(this).val().length > 10) { $('input#btn').show(); } else { $('input#btn').hide(); } }); }); </script>
  18. A framework is a library of re-usable bassline functions (methods) that can be genericaly invoked with a simplistic line of code, ultimately minimizing the development process. As a stand alone developer you would store re-usable code for futore work to speed up development (the faster the development the more money there is to be made!!)
  19. Anyone know of any good phpcake tutorials to help get me started in building some heavy php apps
  20. Could use a bit of JQuery to change the css. <?php if(isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = $_GET['id']; if($id = "home") { echo '<Script type="text/javascript">"$(''#IdorClassName).css('color','#666')</script>'; } //and so on... ?> This can be reused then
  21. Echo the entire table in one rather than line by line, although either way it's going to have the same outcome.
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