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Posts posted by seth001

  1. First of all... this is a GREAT forum. Been lurking around here for a long time and searched all over but still can't find a solution to a problem I'm facing.


    Here's my cURL code - I am basically retrieving data from a web site:

    $buffer = curl_exec($curl_handle);
    if (empty($buffer))
        print "Connection Timeout<p>";
        print $buffer;


    If you take a look at the site http://myprimemobile.com/update.html -- it will begin to update new information. I want to basically retrieve the data from that page but in my own way.


    I want to loop through the page and search for all the names, addresses, and phone numbers only (not store hours or anything else), and want to put it in a variable so I can create a table with all that information on my page.


    Based on the code, all the information is stored in the $buffer variable. I want to break this variable down to extract certain data in a 'div' or a 'table'. Please help me out. Thanks!

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