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Posts posted by shaneg55

  1. I apologize for posting in different boards (didn't know if this question would be best answered in mysql or php so i posted in both).


    I posted in both prior to Fenway's offer to move so its not like i didnt take Fenway up on the offer and went out of my way to do it anyway.


    I am still looking for an answer to this scenario if anyone is interested in posting.

  2. yes i could do $i ++ during the loop of the records but i want to keep the sort order which may change in tact. like if im listing 5 links under a parent link and i have defined them in the order that i want using a field but i remove say the record that is sort order #3 then i need to change so sort order for the links becomes 1,2,3,4 not 1,2,3,5 .  How will a counter or even php know what order i want these links in?  what if i add a link or change the order of them down the road.  Dont i have to do it via mysql with an ORDER BY satement not with php as php will not know what order i want them in?

  3. yeah.  how was this comment helpful at all?  Sorry to the almighty for not knowing all the rules or even finding the answer already posted (where?).


    If i dont want to order the results with mysql by a field which contains the order show me how to do it in php then!



  4. I posted this in mysql as well but maybe someone would know the php/mysql syntax to do this:


    How to re order records after a delete or move?


    I have table of navigational items. lets say under "about us" i have 5 sub links and i order them by a field called theorder. How can a re order them properly if one is deleted?  orders are 1,2,3,4,5 and if i delete the record that is 3 then the order is 1,2,4,5 but i want it to now become 1,2,3,4.  How do i do this properly?



  5. How to re order records after a delete or move?


    I have table of navigational items. lets say under "about us" i have 5 sub links and i order them by a field called theorder. How can a re order them properly if one is deleted?  orders are 1,2,3,4,5 and if i delete the record that is 3 then the order is 1,2,4,5 but i want it to now become 1,2,3,4.  How do i do this properly?



  6. I have this html tag <navigation></navigation>. I want to find any and all references to <navigation></navigation>, retrieve the int value thats between the <navigation>3</navigation> (in this case the number 3), run an sql query and return a record where the id is the value between <navigation>3</navigation> (again in this case 3) and replace the entire tag  with whatever was returned from the sql query.


    note: there could be more than one navigation tag within my string. plus a bunch of other html. i want to keep all the other and find, build, and replace new text where the navigation tag is.

  7. I was thinking something more along the lines of this:


    function getTextBetweenTags($string, $tagname, $lang) {
    $db = new Database(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_DATABASE);
        $pattern = "/<$tagname ?.*>(.*)<\/$tagname>/";
        preg_match($pattern, $string, $matches);
    $sql= "SELECT * FROM navigation, pages WHERE navigation.navigationID = '$matches[1]' AND navigation.pageID = pages.pageID";
    $rows = $db->query($sql);
    while ($record = $db->fetch_array($rows)) {
    $newtext = "http://www.mydomain.com/".$lang."/".$record[navigationID]."/".str_replace(" ", "_", $record[linkname]);
    return $newtext;
    $str = '<p align="left">Go To This <a href="<navigation>3</navigation>">Page</a>.</p><p>This <a href="<navigation>4</navigation>">Page</a> is also good.</p>';
    $txt = getTextBetweenTags($str, "navigation", "en");
    echo $txt;


    Which returns "http://mydomain.com/en/4/My_Link_Name"


    I want it to return "Go To This Page. This Page is also good." With the words "Page" linked with the properly formatted url.


    I think im missing incorporating an str_replace here somehow so i return the properly formatted urls and the rest of the string where applicable.  Hope im making some sort of sense here.

  8. how can i find reference to  something like this "navigationID=3" or "navigationID=44" within a string and then re write it to become something like this "/en/content/3/Link_Name"?


    there could be more than one reference within the string and the integer val (ie 3 and or 44) will not be known.


    Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

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