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Everything posted by pkphp

  1. I suggest you download a software which named <search & replace>. It will make you know where the code placed in the folder. good luck.
  2. wow, thank you buddy. you make me suddenly see the light lol Thank you very much !!!
  3. read a cart scripts not write. i have read the book you mentioned. and i can write a guestbook. i want to know how i can write more secure and powerful php code. Just want to practise my php skills lol
  4. I have been studying PHP for a long time. I can write a simple PHP guestbook now. But you know, it's so so so simply, even the green hand can attack on my site. I want to improve my PHP skill, so i decide to read a big php program such as a shopping cart. Finally i choose the cart Eclime. But when i read the code, i find it's so difficult for me to understand it. Maybe i am in the wrong way to study PHP. Anyone tell me what i should do now ... :confused:
  5. You can go to the CodeIgniter main site to look for more tutorial , also you can order some books about it from ebay.
  6. Anyone know something about a framwork named Thinkphp? I read its document, but you know, i am completely confused with it. Anyone is an experter on it?
  7. i can't agree more for chintansshah.
  8. elegant scripts. do you mind i take to my projects ? lol
  9. i prefer cakephp cause it is based on the ROR's Design pattern.
  10. I can say Zend is the best php application framework i have never saw.
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