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Posts posted by donphp

  1. I came up with a solution to the problem. The perl script now accepts the parameters and I can now pass parameters from php to perl .


    Here's my new code:


    PHP File:



    print "Hello from PHP!<br>";

    exec ('perl /<path to perl script>/test_perl_params.pl -myparam 1',$result);

    print $result[0];

    print "<br>";

    print "Bye! ";



    Perl File



    use Getopt::Long;

    &Getopt::Long::Configure( 'pass_through', 'no_autoabbrev');

    &Getopt::Long::GetOptions( 'myparam|m=s'                => \$myparam );

    print "Hello from Perl[",$myparam,"]\n";





    P.S. I thought it was funny when my original post was moved from the "PHP Coding Help" to "Other >> Other Programming Languages" and then saw that it was a very long time since anyone posted or replied to anything in that forum. I must have been exiled for asking a question related to perl!!

  2. Hi,


    I want to send parameters from php to a perl script. The strange thing is that I can execute the perl script from the command line exactly as it is typed into the exec command of the php file and it works!


    Here's my code:


    PHP file:




    print "Hello from PHP!<br>";

    exec ('perl /<path to perl script>/test_perl_params.pl myparam=1',$result);

    print $result[0];

    print "<br>";

    print "Bye! ";





    Perl File



    use CGI;

    $cgi = new CGI;

    my $myparam=$cgi->param('myparam');

    print "Hello from Perl[",$myparam,"]\n";



    When I call the php script, the myparam is not populated in the print statement.


    Any help would be much appreciated.




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