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Posts posted by kadin


    I can determine which radio button is selected for each file upload prompt because I have a name and a value. So the array name=image can have one of three values for each file upload prompt.


    Is there a way to determine which of the three file upload prompts was loaded (clicking browse & select image) with an image and which was not? There doesn't seem to be a value like there is with radio buttons. I want to be able to replace an already uploaded image with another.




    <input type='radio' name='image[image0]' value='keep' checked='checked'/>

    <input type='radio' name='image[image0]' value='delete' />

    <input type='radio' name='image[image0]' value='replace' />

    <input type="file" name="image[]" />


    <input type='radio' name='image[image1]' value='keep' checked='checked'/>

    <input type='radio' name='image[image1]' value='delete' />

    <input type='radio' name='image[image1]' value='replace' />

    <input type="file" name="image[]" />


    <input type='radio' name='image[image2]' value='keep' checked='checked'/>

    <input type='radio' name='image[image2]' value='delete' />

    <input type='radio' name='image[image2]' value='replace' />

    <input type="file" name="image[]" />


    if (isset($_POST['submitted']) && 
    	($image = $_POST['image'])) {
    	foreach($image as $imageKey => $imageValue) {
    		if ($imageValue == 'keep') {
    			do this	



  2. In this multi file upload form, choose three images, click submit and preview the images on the preview page. If the user wishes to delete or replace an image, click edit and the form will go back to the previous page. Select the replace radio button for example on one of the three images and select a new image from the file input prompt and click submit. The form will go to the preview page again to display the images. During this process the image names are being input into a table and the images are being moved to a directory.


    The table is


      `id`  AUTO_INCREMENT,






    So input name='image[image0]' can be directed to table `image0` and so on.


    The code for keep and delete work fine, but how do I replace an image?

    I have two foreach blocks. The first one deletes the image file from the directory and deletes the image name from the table, but the second foreach dose not move the new image file into the directory.



    <input type='radio' name='image[image0]' value='keep' checked='checked'/>

    <input type='radio' name='image[image0]' value='delete' />

    <input type='radio' name='image[image0]' value='replace' />

    <input type="file" name="image[]" />


    <input type='radio' name='image[image1]' value='keep' checked='checked'/>

    <input type='radio' name='image[image1]' value='delete' />

    <input type='radio' name='image[image1]' value='replace' />

    <input type="file" name="image[]" />


    <input type='radio' name='image[image2]' value='keep' checked='checked'/>

    <input type='radio' name='image[image2]' value='delete' />

    <input type='radio' name='image[image2]' value='replace' />

    <input type="file" name="image[]" />


    if (isset($_POST['status'])) {	
    $status = $_POST['status'];
    $confirm_code = $status;
    #--------------------------- replace --------------------------------------------
    if (isset($_POST['submitted']) &&
    	($image = $_POST['image'])) {
    	foreach($image as $imageKey => $imageValue) {
    		if ($imageValue == 'replace') {
    			$query = "SELECT $imageKey FROM table WHERE status = '$status' ";
    			if($result = $db->query( $query )){
    				$row = $result->fetch_array();
    			unlink( UPLOAD_DIR.$row[0] );
    			$query = "UPDATE table SET $imageKey = '' WHERE status = '$status' ";
    	foreach($image as $imageKey => $imageValue) {
    		if ($imageValue == 'replace') {
    			$filenm = $_FILES['image']['name']; 
    			$file = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'];
    			move_uploaded_file($file, UPLOAD_DIR . $filenm);
    			$filename[] = $filenm; 
    			$query = "INSERT INTO table VALUES ('','$filename[0]','$filename[1]','$filename[2]','$confirm_code')";

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