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  1. Hi The best way to this would be to use Ajax to populate the second drop down as soon as the user selected from the first one
  2. Hi try <html> <head> <title>Detecting browser close in IE</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function doUnload() { alert("Window is closed."); } </script> </head> <body onunload="doUnload()"> <p> Check which action detects browser window close: <ol> <li>Click this <a href="#" onclick="location.reload();return false">Refresh</a> link or the browser's Refresh button</li> <li>Navigate away from this page through a <a href="http://www.codingforums.com/">link</a></li> <li>Type another URL in the address bar</li> <li>Click Back or Forward button</li> <li>Click the Close (X) button in the top-rightmost corner of the browser</li> <li>Click the IE icon in the top-leftmost corner and choose Close. Or simply double-click the icon</li> <li>Press Alt+F4 key</li> </ol> </p> <p>In IE, the last 3 actions are correctly detected by the <a href="#" onclick="alert(doUnload);return false">javascript code</a> inside this page as browser close.</p> </body> </html>
  3. Hi The great thing about joomla is that there is just about a plugin for everything. from easy form builders to community management. Joomla is also already optimized for search engines so you don't have to worry about that. But like the others said. If you want to learn, its better to create your own.
  4. Hi when you use sum() you have and you select other columns you mysql doesn't know how to handle these other column with the sum eg Table test val | String 1 | test 1 | test 2 | test2 now selectting sum(val),String ..... now mysql doesn't know if you want it to return 4 or if you want it to return 2 for test and 2 for test2. So to solve this you have to group by the other columns select sum(val),String from table group by String this will give sum | String 2 | test 2 | test2 Hope this helped
  5. Hi. using SUM is fine but you need to do a join to the members table select sum(items.item_value) as total from items,members where members.item=itmes.item_id and members.member_owner=<place the owner you are summing for here> if you want to get a list of all owners and their totals youl need a group by select sum(items.item_value) as total,members.member_id from items,members where members.item=itmes.item_id group by members.member_id. Hope this solves your problem.
  6. Hi I assume you have each type of fruit more than once in your table? I think what you are looking for is: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT column_name) as c FROM table_name
  7. Hi You can use int filemtime ( string $filename ) to get when a file was last modified. It returns a unix time stamp that you can give to date() to process further. You can use opendir() to open a handle to you directory and then use readdir($handle) to cycle through all files in your folder. Hope this helped.
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