Hi all ! I am very new to mysql and i am trying to learn. I need a little help. I have a small table with 4 fields namely Day_ID, Dues, Last_Visit, Points. where Day_ID is an auto-increment field. The table would be as follows:
Day_ID -- Dues --- Last_Visit --- Points.
1 --------- 900 -------- 1/12 -------- 6
2 --------- 700 -------- 4/12 -------- 7
3 --------- 600 -------- 7/12 -------- 5
4 --------- 600 -------- 9/12 -------- 6
5 --------- 600 -------- 10/12 ------- 6
6 --------- 600 -------- 14/12 ------- 6
So this is the record of a person's visit to say a club. The last row indicates the last date of his visit to the club. His points on this date are 6. Based on this point value of 6 in the last row I want to retrieve all the previous BUT adjoining all records that have the same Points i.e. 6.
So my query should retrieve for me, based on the column value of Points of the last row (i.e. Day_ID - 6 ), as follows:
4 --------- 600 -------- 9/12 -------- 6
5 --------- 600 -------- 10/12 ------- 6
6 --------- 600 -------- 14/12 ------- 6
Can someone show me how this may be achieved?
Thanks all in advance for sharing their knowledge and time.
P.S. I am not attaching a Table as its a very small example. I hope that's OK.