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  1. Forgive me, I am only but a beginner in PHP & Mysql. I am trying to do a simple website but unfortunately I can see myself in a big mess: Getting 'id' from URL has been so hard for me and that's why I will appreciate if you could assist me. Here goes the code: index.php <?php //The first category (KENYA SAFARIS AS DEFAULT VALUE) of table - categoties $catsql = "SELECT * FROM categories WHERE categories.id = 1"; $catresult = mysql_query($catsql); while($catrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($catresult)){ echo "<h2> " .$catrow['cat_name'] . "</h2>"; //list of available sites to be visited (OF - TABLE tourism sites) $sitesql = "SELECT * FROM tourism_sites WHERE cat_id = " .$catrow['id'] . ";"; $siteresult = mysql_query($sitesql); $sitenumrows = mysql_num_rows($siteresult); if($sitenumrows==0){ echo "<h2 class = 'results'>No listed safari site</h2>"; } else{ while($sitenumrows = mysql_fetch_assoc($siteresult)){ echo "<ul>"; echo "<li><a href='#.php?id =" . $sitenumrows['id'] . "'>" . $sitenumrows['hotel_name'] . "</a></li>"; echo "</ul>"; } } echo "</li> "; } ?> <li> <?php //The second category (UGANDA AS DEFAULT VALUE) of categories table $cat2sql = "SELECT * FROM categories WHERE categories.id = 2"; $cat2result = mysql_query($cat2sql); while($cat2row = mysql_fetch_assoc($cat2result)){ echo "<h2>" .$cat2row['cat_name'] . "</h2>"; //list sites in Uganda to be visited $site2sql = "SELECT * FROM tourism_sites WHERE cat_id =" . $cat2row['id'] .";"; $site2result = mysql_query($site2sql); $site2numrows = mysql_num_rows($site2result); if($site2numrows==0){ echo "<h2 class = 'results'> No saved locations..! </h2>"; } else{ while($site2numrows = mysql_fetch_assoc($site2result)){ echo "<ul>"; echo "<li><a href='#.php?id =" . $site2numrows['id'] . "'>" . $site2numrows['hotel_name'] . "</a></li>"; echo "</ul>"; } } echo "</li>"; } ?> <?php if(isset($_GET['id']) == TRUE) { if(is_numeric($_GET['id']) == FALSE) { header("Location: " . BASE_DIR); } $correct_id = $_GET['id']; } else { header("Location: " . BASE_DIR); } ?> <!-- start page --> <div id="page"> <!-- start content --> <div id="content"> <div class="post"> <h2>Reservation</h2> <?php /* *this query links to variable . $sitenumrows['id'] of index.php to display further information about * $site2numrows['hotel_name'] */ $placesql = "SELECT tourism_sites.*, towns.*, place.*, photos.* FROM tourism_sites, towns, place, photos WHERE tourism_sites.cat_id = towns.id AND towns.id = place.cat_id AND place.id = photos.id AND photos.image_id = " . $correct_id; $placeresult = mysql_query($placesql); $placenumrow = mysql_num_rows($placeresult); if($placenumrow == 0){ echo "<h2 class = 'results'>There was a problem querrying database</h2>"; } else{ while ($placenumrow == mysql_fetch_assoc($placeresult)){ echo "<h2 class = 'title'>" . $placenumrow['town_name'] . "</p>"; } } ?> please help
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