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Found 3 results

  1. Hello, I would greatly appreciate if anyone here could please provide some advice on what is the best practice to learn scripting, php in general. So far i'v studied videos from Lynda.com, W3school.org and eBooks and have a basic understanding. I'm pretty sure that is as good as it gets online without school, but for some reason it takes me the longest time to remember any realm of coding to implement my own code, though i know software where i can use a program for CSS and HTML which builds the design for me without needing to memorize a whole lot. I'm starting from the bottom up and would love to know how the very first person who ever used (PHP, etc) made their first app or fully working website! To know if they could do that, how i could use any base of coding to create my own UNIQUE never done before application which i know is possible! I'm investing all the the time in the world to become the best i can be without college to build an advanced website (Think social networking and Marketplaces) to make a living and been wanting to for a few years now so i DO know it doesn't happen overnight, i just need to find the right resources and i want to get a through understanding of how to use PHP in such a way to create these things to better my life. Have a good day!
  2. im not sure if i should post it in php or html. but here it goes. im trying to do an application with dropdown selection options where one selector depends on the last, two levels this way. the options are in a mysql datbase so by using php im retrieving the array for each selector, but how can i make the selectors change live depending on which option you choose without refreshing the page? do i need something else? like javascript or something like that? i know nothing about JS Thanks for taking your time reading this,
  3. Hi, I'm using a preg_replace to change [menu] into Menu::makeMenu(); , but when it executes the replace, for some reason it's sending my code to the first line after the <body> tag rather than where the [menu] was in the first place. Preg Replace: function formatPage($transform){ $a = array( "/\[element=\"(.*?)\"\]/ise", "/\ /ise", "/\[menu]/ise", "/\[login-button]/ise", ); $b = array( "elementCreate(\"$1\");", "pageCreate();", "Menu::makeMenu();", "loginBtn();", ); $transform = preg_replace($a, $b, $transform); return $transform; } I can copy out the whole function and stuff for the Menu:: but I don't think it'll matter. Please help! Cheers.
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