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  1. I'm trying to build a landing page with php & js validation - i create the html/php & etc, but the .JS script always hangs on the last "else"... and gives the "123" alert... i debugged it for syntax problem for hundred of time with any online debugging site i know - but it's seems to be something else.... _______________JS / AJAX_________________ $(document).ready(function(){ $('form.landing-form').submit(function(){ var name = $.trim($('input[type=text].field-name').val()); var email = $.trim($('input[type=text].field-email').val()); var phone = $.trim($('input[type=text].field-phone').val()); var nameReg = /^[a-zA-Z ]+$/; var emailReg = /^([\w-\.]+@([[\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4})?$/; var phoneReg = /^[0-9-+]+$/; $('input[type=text]').removeClass('error'); if(name.length < 2 || !nameReg.test(name)){ $('input[type=text].field-name').addClass('error'); $('input[type=text].field-name').val(''); $('input[type=text].field-name').attr('placeholder','*valid name is requierd!'); } else if (email.length < 5 || !emailReg.test(email)) { $('input[type=text].field-email').addClass('error'); $('input[type=text].field-email').val(''); $('input[type=text].field-email').attr('placeholder','*email is requierd!'); } else if (phone.length < 9 || !phoneReg.test(phone)) { $('input[type=text].field-phone').addClass('error'); $('input[type=text].field-phone').val(''); $('input[type=text].field-phone').attr('placeholder','*phone is requierd!'); } else { $.ajax({ url: "handler/form_handler.php", type : "POST", dataType: "html", async: "false", data : { name:name, email:email, phone:phone }, beforeSend : function () { var messege = '<img src="images/ajax-loader.gif" border="0">'; messege += ' Sending...'; $('form.landing-form label').html(messege); }, success: function(response) { if(response == 'true'){ alert('321'); } else { alert('123'); } } }); } return false; }); }); _______________PHP_________________ <?php echo 'hi'; die(); $name = filter_var($_POST['name'],FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $email = filter_var($_POST['email'],FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); $email = filter_var($email,FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); $phone = filter_var($_POST['phone'],FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if (empty ($name)|| empty ($email) || empty ($phone)) { return; }else{ mysql_connect('localhost' , 'root' , ''); mysql_select_db('show_express'); $name = clean_inputs ($name); $email = clean_inputs ($email); $phone = clean_inputs ($phone); $sql = "INSERT INTO clients(id,name,email,phone) "; $sql .= "VALUES('','$name','$email','$phone')"; mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_affected_rows()) { echo true; } } function clean_input($input) { $clean = mysql_real_escape_string(stripcslashes($input)); return $clean; } // function sendMail ($name,$email,$phone){ // $from = $email; ///$messege = 'name:' . $name .','; //$messege .= 'email:' . $email .','; //$messege .= 'phone:' . $phone .','; //mail ("barakroy@gmail.com" , "clients info from landing page", $messege, "from: $from\n"); // } ?> here is my code , https://www.dropbox.com/s/d5i6r32ag5tgewt/Landing%20Page.rar
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